We Know

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Lisbon's POV

It is about 3:00 in the afternoon and I have just finished my paperwork. Now Jane and I and going to go and get some lunch from the café down the road.
"Lisbon can we get going now please, I am hungry" Jane moans.
"Yes Jane I am ready" I say as I grab his hand and we walk out of my office and towards the elevator but on the way there we are stopped by the team standing in front of the elevator.

"Hey guys, What are you doing" I say nervously.
"We need to tell you something, it will only take a minute" Grace says while Cho and Rigsby just nod their heads.
"Ok" says Jane as his grip tightens around my hand.

"We know your pregnant Lisbon" They all say at the same time.
Me and Jane just stand their with total shock on our faces.
Grace starts giggling and Cho and Rigsby just stand there with stone cold faces.

"How did you find out" I say as Jane still stands there dumbstruck.
"We have noticed that you have been acting different lately so we kept an eye out and finally we came to the conclusion that you were pregnant" Rigsby says.
Grace stands there with a huge grin on her face.
Then Jane finally speaks up. "Why don't you come for lunch with us and then you can ask us as many questions as you want".
"Ok" all three of them say as we walk into the elevator.
"How far along are you?" says Grace.
I just look at Jane.
This is going to be a long day.

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