48 hours

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Jane's POV

I open my eyes and run to the bathroom to find Teresa in front of the mirror with her top up. I can see a small bump.
"What's up babe" I say as I grab her from behind and give her a big hug.
She leans back so her head is on my chest and I move my hands so they are on her bump.
"I've got a bump which means that everyone will find out and the game will not work" she says.
"Wear a more baggy shirt today and then they will have no clue".
"Ok" she says as she turns round in my arms and kisses my cheak before walking off.

Lisbon's POV

We have just arrived at work and I am nervous that the team will guess that I am pregnant. I had to wear a more baggy t-shirt like Patrick said but I still think they will guess.

We turn off into the bullpen and I think the team can see that I am nervous because it is written all over my face.
"You ok boss?" Says Grace.
"I'm fine just queasy" I say as I grab Patrick's hand and run to the bathroom.

Grace's POV

"I think boss has a bump" I say as I walk over towards the boys.
"How do you know that" Cho says.
"She has a baggy t- shirt on"
"So that could mean anything" says Cho.
"Yeah, boss could of just changed her style" says Rigsby.
"Fine I will look out for other symptoms" I say as I stagger back to my desk just as Lisbon and Jane get back.

Jane's POV

Teresa has just finished being sicķ in the bathroom so I am taking her to my couch to rest. Just as enter the bullpen, Teresa gets a bad cramp and squeezes my hand real tight. I feel this and look down to her doubling up on the floor in pain so I pick her up and put her on the couch. For a few minutes she just sits on the couch holding my hand with her right hand and holding onto the couch arm with her left arm. Squeezing my hand when the pain gets bad. After a few minutes the pain goes away and gets up like nothing happened and goes to the break room for a cup of tea since she can't have coffee. I run in after her to make sure she is alright.

Grace's POV

"Told you so" I say as I sit on my chair, smirking.
"Could of just been an average cramp" says Cho.
"Fine, I will look up on the internet for another symptom and she is Lisbon has it" I say as I switch my computer on.
"Do that then" says Cho as he gets back to his book.

"Right lets see, pregnancy symptoms, ok so sickness, check. Bump or bloated, check. Cramp, check. Ohhh, leg or hip cramp is common. I think I will look out for that" I think to myself.

"Right, Rigsby, Cho I have a symptom that is really common for pregnant woman" I whisper.
"What is it?" Rigsby says as Cho puts down his book.
"Leg or hip cramp".
"That's a good one. We will look for that" says Cho.
"Ok great" Me and Rigsby say together as we get back to what ever we were doing.

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