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"Going to a fight seems pretty intense" I say to Ann while scrolling down my phone.

"But that's the point, you've never been to a party or a fight or anything other than a fucking book reading" she huffed and sat back wards in her seat.

"I don't think so." I finally said standing up from the restaurant chair and taking a hold of my bag. "But you can always call Katie .." I smiled giving her one last option.

"Fuck Katie, I really want you to go with me." She said rushing over to me and stopping me from going out the door.

"I have a lot of UNI work to do... I don't know" I scratched the back of my head trying to think of more lies to avoid going to that fucking fight Ann wanted me to accompany her so bad to.

"I'm begging, if you don't enjoy yourself I'll never ask this of you again!" Her green eyes showed how desperate she was when her pupils grew bigger every time she asked.

"One hour! If I don't like it I'm out!" I said , my lips forming a straight line knowing this was gonna be a bad idea already.

"Yay!" She clapped and hugged my tightly.

What the actual fuck did I get myself into?


I awkwardly stalked into the arena in a neighborhood I had no business in. The arena itself was actually quite sketchy itself. Strong men surrounded the whole arena with beer mugs in there hands and tattoos covering there arms, and standing talking to each other unaware of the women thirsting for their attention.

'I don't belong here, I'm leaving' I said to myself but right when I was gonna turn at the door a loud voice called my name.

"Over here Shay" waved Ann from a far conner of the arena I was supposed to leave.

'Fuck' I cursed under my breath and walked a quick pace to Ann.

"Hey Ann." I smiled awkwardly acknowledging the men with her.

"Hey babe, let me introduce you to everyone!" She smiled and pointed to a tall man with large green eyes and curly hair, tattoos covering almost both his arms . "That's Harry".

Next she pointed at another tall guy but slightly shorter than 'Harry'. His hair was by far the darkest shade of black I've ever seen in my life, his bone structure was almost perfect, his eyes light brown and to accompany his eyes were his long lashed that batted up and down every once in a while. "That's Zayn".

"Louis and Niall aren't here today but you'll meet them soon enough" she smiled and pointed at the last guy there.

The last one caught my eye the most and I don't know why. Maybe it was the fact he wasn't acknowledging me at all , maybe it was the fact his eyes screamed for me to hug him and make him mine, or maybe it was the fact he wasn't wearing a shirt and he appeared to be fighting tonight. "That's Liam"

Fight For MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon