Chapter 36

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Purkytgasse Road, Vienna, 1:21 pm

Thank God.

The authorities had finally arrived, relieving them once more. Whether that relief would last was unsure. He decided not to stop just yet, not until his predator was down.

One of the cruisers was already down, thanks to The Assassin.

An explosion rang in his ears, just then, his car spun out of control. The steering wheel was working perfectly fine but the car wouldn't turn as he had expected. That was when he stumbled to the conclusion that one of his tyres had burst. And it was no mystery how.

When Sadowsky whirled around, sparks were flying in air. The exposed metal rim that was screeching against the road caused so much friction that it caused sparks to fly. Hopefully, The Assassin's plan would backfire and some of the sparks would cause harm to him.


The Assassin showed no signs of stopping, and Jerome's wound was getting worse. Lucia had rolled up his jeans, revealing the purple hue surrounding the wound wrapped in the handkerchief. It looked terribly bad.

Sadowsky slammed on the brakes and took a sharp turn, catching The Assassin off guard. His momentum was slightly controllable, enabling him to ram into the rear bumper of Sadowsky's cruiser, spinning him like a top.

Jerome was thrown off the seat and Lucia's attempt to hold him back was futile. So, he slammed his face onto the surface, worsening his condition.

Police cars circled around them within no time. One of cops came at the door, barking out unintelligible German words. Jerome was the only one who knew German, and he was in need of serious help.

Lucia tried her luck at establishing understandable contact; the officer understood that they needed help. But when he reached his arms out to help, they retracted back and clutched his throat while blood spurted out his mouth. He dropped on the hood of the stolen cruiser and The Assassin stood in his place.

"No one steals my fifty grand."

He grabbed Sadowsky by the collar and pulled him up with his brute strength, and placed the muzzle of a pistol to his temples. "The pen drive! Where is it?!"

Sadowsky tried to retaliate by elbowing his assailant in the face, but he predicted the attack and gripped his elbow. Later, he landed two blows to Sadowsky's stomach and struck a third one on his nose.

The Assassin let go of Sadowsky and made his way to the stolen cruiser, crashing bullets into the bodies of some oncoming officers, dropping them dead like flies.

He entered the cruiser through the door to the driver's seat and turned to the two passengers behind him, flashing his Benelli at their faces.

Sadowsky heard Lucia shriek loudly, rage erupted within him. No way. He got back on his legs, ignoring the blood flowing down his nose and landed a blow to the hand in which The Assassin was clutching his pistol and dragged him out the cruiser. The Assassin swung his leg down on Sadowsky's thigh, bringing him down instantly to the floor.

"You've made my job a bit tough, I'm gonna miss catching you."

He yanked a remote from his pocket and pressed the button on it.

The Assassin's car erupted in enormous flames, bringing down several police officers as the fire spread to them. After the explosion died down, Sadowsky could notice the rhythmic dance of the flames, flickering in unison.

The Assassin ran back in the stolen cruiser and grabbed his pistol, and then raised his it, "Hasta la Vista,"

Sadowsky braced for the gunshot, and then he heard it.

No pain.

He looked up to find blood on The Assassin's chest. And he fell dead.

Sadowsky was shocked to find Lucia gripping the pistol, breathing heavily and in panic. She dropped the gun on the floor, sweat pouring down her forehead. Sadowsky ran his fingers through his head as well. Sure enough, he was sweating like a pig.

The fire was so strong that it didn't show any signs of dying down. After the bomb in The Assassin's car went off, a high pitched sound rung in his ears, overshadowing all the commotion.

Before he knew it, one of the officers yanked him by his arm and into an ambulance, where he was treated for his bleeding nose and other minor bruises. He got relieved when he found out that Jerome was being treated for his bullet wound.

It had been extracted successfully and they were going to take him to the hospital, along with Jerome and Lucia.

Perhaps, he could return to his normal life.


* * *

Milan-Malpenso Airport, Milan, 1:30 pm

"So you think that the terrorists in Austria will launch a nuclear attack on America?" quizzed Sophia.

Papa nodded, "Men of darkness lurk there,"

She twisted her face, trying to make a confused expression, "But Austria doesn't have nuclear arms!"

He shook his head, "Maybe not. But there is a crucial element present there. A weed is better dealt with while pulling out its roots rather than waiting for it to grow, that will be a huge problem," he warned using some old quote.

The airport speaker pinged, informing them of an announcement. "Welcome to the Malpenso Ladies and Gentlemen. Due to the string of attacks in Vienna all flights intended to that location will be delayed."

Papa cursed under his hoarse breathe.

"Now how do we get there?" grumbled Sophia.

Her grandfather didn't reply. Perhaps, it was meant to happen that way. Lives were meant to be lost. Some reason was there behind it; maybe they wouldn't understand it now but somewhere in the future they would.

Sophia pressed her forehead. Think! Think! Think!

But she couldn't; her mind was blank. A friend of hers was a wealthy historian. She needn't hesitate to ask for anything from him, especially a matter of such grave importance.

She glanced at her phone, a million thoughts running through her head. What will he say? How will he react? What happens if I don't call?

Maybe fate had plans for the future, but Sophia Gianotti would not back off without a fight.

* * *

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