Chapter 6

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Rue Du Vuache Hideout, Geneva, 7:13 pm

Until now, all Sadowsky could hear was the sound of his own breathing. Footsteps now approached, possibly several people. The rapid pace was too fast for one person.

Out of the illuminated entrance, appeared a figure, then another, a third and at last Lorssen.

"You must be Professor Benjamin Sadowsky" said the man, who appeared to be Indian, judging from his accent and skin tone. He was wearing a grey business suit, a white buttoned shirt on the inside and a black necktie. His trousers matched the colour of his suit.

Beside the Indian were two men, one with a white buttoned suit and trousers, his skin tone was similar to that of the man who appeared to be his boss but what stood out was his blue turban, which indicated that he was from the Middle East.

The third one, who seemed to be the subordinate of the other two men, wore a blue-white chequered shirt, black trousers, sported an orange beard and was wearing spectacles.

"I always hated history you know but know I am a part of it," claimed the Indian.

Sadowsky's eyes widened. He knows me.

"Who are you people? What do you want from me?" asked Sadowsky hanging upside down.

"Good question" said the Indian. He continued, "My name is Ragunath Subramanian, you can call me the boss," he introduced.

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you who we are," said Subramanian.

Sadowsky groaned, wondering how long he would be like this. "Now I'm going to ask you one simple question-What do you know?" asked Subramanian.

"What are you talking about?"

Subramanian drew a short breath, "Don't play dumb with me professor, you know damn well what I'm talking about."

Oh I sure as hell do.

Sadowsky back answered Subramanian, "What would you do if I don't talk?"

Subramanian chuckled, "Here, I'll show you." He walked towards the suspended rope beside Sadowsky and yanked it down.


Sadowsky plunged into the icy cold water at speeds faster than the rate at what the human eye could perceive.

Shards of frozen dry ice pierced Sadowsky's body as he howled in pain. All his screaming was displayed as bubbles on the surface of the body.

Subramanian mercifully let go of the suspended rope and the unfortunate Professor emerged from the container, splashing water in all directions as he flapped around randomly like a fish out of the water.

"Now, you going to talk?" asked Subramanian rhetorically.

"H-he told me... Th-that he th-thought his life was in danger because of some m-murders of scientists and com-computer engineers" said Sadowsky as he shivered.

Subramanian gave a grim smile, "Tell me more."

"He-he gave me a pe-pen drive. It con-contains all the data of his re-research." Sadowsky was in guilt as gave up all the secrets.

I've failed you my friend.

Subramanian brought himself closer to Sadowsky, almost face-to-face. He glared into his sorrow eyes, all full of guilt.

"And where is this pen drive?" asked Subramanian as he stared into Sadowsky's dripping wet face.

Sadowsky revealed the answer.

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