4: Revelations

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Who knew you had to learn so many things to just be a concubine. From things like pouring tea correctly, to rearranging flowers, Fang Liu had subjected them all to the worst of tasks. And after all this tedious and useless lessons, none of them had even seen the face of The Emperor. So when Fang Liu had announced that his highness was to visit, there was a blurry of panic from all the girls. Li Hua had sat there quietly, embroidery still in hand, and watched in amusement as Leng Yue had huffed about the insufficient time allowed before The Emperor's visit for her to prepare. Though The God's only knew what preparation there was to be done. The girls around her buzzed in excitement at the prospect of catching The Emperors eye. Yao Mei turned around suddenly, her small form quivering in happiness.

"Do you think The Emperor is good looking? she whispers to Li Hua. Li Hua's mouth sets in a grim line,

"Who knows, but you best not get your hopes up" she warns with a slight smile. Yao Mei grins as she's lead away by her own maid. The crowd of ladies begin to disperse as each begin to "prepare" for The Emperor's visit. Li Hua gets up grudgingly as she too is lead away.

In her room, she bathes in warm water, dosed with a thousand cherry blossoms. She sighs in content as the warmth engulfs her naked frame. Warm baths were scarce in her village- even for middle class citizens. Her maid scrubs her back dilligently despite her protests, but Jingah just tsks at her, jokingly scolding her for being foolish. Once done, Jingah brings out her clothes and she mentally vomits at the sight. She's never seen so much pink and gold woven into one single piece of fabric as the dress that is presented before her has. The robe is long, a flowing beautiful thing- everything she despises. She puts the robe on, smiling despite her hatred of the dress, at the silky smooth feeling of the fabric against her smooth milky white skin. Jingah promptly begins to do her hair, pinning the long, endless strands of oynx black hair skillfully back with gold and jade pins. Taking a step back to admire her handiwork, Jingah smiles,

"You are sure to catch The Emperor's eye". Li Hua scoffs.

"There are at least four hundred beautiful young girls here. I am merely a grain of sand amongst a beach." Jingah smiles, her slightly crooked teeth showing.

"Sometimes physical beauty isn't everything" the maid replies softly, before excusing herself from the room. Li Hua admires the amazing embroidery of butterflies and cherry blossoms captured within the dress. The room suddenly feels awfully stuffy, the heat from her previous bath and the tight waist of the dress, making it hard for her to breathe. She stands up, making her way out of the stifling room, and past various rooms filled with panicked shouting voices.

The night air outside is cool on her cheeks, a satisfying difference from the inside atmosphere. She breathes it in- the smell of the mid summer air. Her mind drifts back to the handsome stranger,

"Ah Bènzhuō (Clumsy) Liánhuā (Lotus)......" her head whips around at the voice. Against the birght full moon, the stranger looks even more hansome- if that were possible, his piercing eyes, bright with mischief. She looks at his robes once again- plain- maybe a scholar of The Palace. He smiles, dimples forming,

"What are you doing here?" she whispers furiously. "This is the women's sanctuary!" He chuckles, the sound reverbrating in his chest.

"Do not fear, my dear, I have good reasons to be here" She frowns as he takes a step closer, the small action making her heart leap.

"You look beautfiul" he says softly, a hand coming up to caress her cheek. She slaps it away savagely.

"I am no whore, go and mess with another woman!" she hisses furiously, cheeks reddening. He looks surprised at her sudden outburst before he laughs, the sound echoing in the silent garden.

"My, my......you are one of a kind" he says, laughter still apparent in his voice. He takes a step back as if to reassure her, and for some reason, her heart pangs at the sudden distance. He grins at her,

"I'll see you soon my Bènzhuō (Clumsy) Liánhuā (Lotus)" he says before walking off, his dark form dissapearing into the shadows of the alcove. Jingah appears suddenly, her eyes wide and frantic.

"Where have you been!" she exclaims. "The others are waiting for you!" Li Hua apologises softly before following Jingah to the dining halls. Tonight, the place had been decorated extravagantly. Tapestries and expensive paintings hung on every available surface, as candle lit lanterns hung beneath the arches of the roof. She gawked in amazement before noticing that everyone was already seated at their tables. She bowed her head down, embarrased before walking to her own small table. There were so many girls here. Rows upon rows of girls in dresses, all the colours of the rainbow sat, waiting for The Emperor's arrival. She had been fortunate that her own table had been placed amongst the front rows. Unfortunately, Yao Mei hadn't been so lucky. Li Hua sent a consoling smile to her friend, which was returned with a small sad one. As the trumpets blared, everyone within the chattering room fell silent, their backs instantly straightening unnaturally. The guests began to enter, slow and steady and her eyes suddenly fell upon one male in particular- the handsome stranger.

Oh how she wished the world would open up and swallow her whole.

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