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Chapter 6

The next day, Nadim called and said he wanted to spend the day with me. I was a little upset by what I had just heard, but accepted the invitation anyways. We went out and talked about everything. I was having so much fun that I did not want that day to end. Ever since I went to boarding school, time had become a huge factor in my life. I learned to count minutes, hours, days, and so on. We went to a mall to window shop, we went for some Starbucks, and then for dinner. After stuffing my face, he invited me for a drink. I was nervous. In my mind I kept thinking ''Oh shit, what is this? Why the fuck am I feeling happy being around fucking NADIM?!'' Was this a date? Or is this just two friends hanging out? I decided to accept the drink and went to a bar. As we walked into the bar, Nadim held my hand. It was the first time EVER that a guy ever held my hand. I was stocked. I was excited. I had the infamous butterflies in my stomach. We had two drinks, and Nadim for the first time ever, did not check out anyone else but me. I was living a dream, or so I thought. That night, I decided to put my inner bitch on pause and enjoy the moment. 

It got late and it was time to leave. After Nadim dropped me off, I went to my room feeling overjoyed, happy, excited, in love... As I layed on my bed, not being able to fall asleep, I get a text from Nadim saying ''I love you, and thank you for everything''. What can I say? My fat ass self was in love, or completely infatuated (what's the fucking differences, anyways?) 

The next day, I was in an unusual happy mood. People must have thought I was snorting coke. I was high on that thing called love. I waited to receive a call or text from Nadim. I did not hear from him for three damn days which felt like 3 years. I would look at my phone, impatiently, awaiting that call.  

The first day was surprisingly a relief. I convinced myself it was detox and it would serve me to think with my head instead of thinking with my heart (or dick). All day, all I could think of was if this was in fact love, or infatuation, or possibly boredom of not having anyone. I was very vulnerable. The second day was strange. The third day, I decided, if he doesn't call me, I will send him a message. I was never the one who called Nadim. He would always call me and I liked it that way. I was playing ''the game''. 

I spent all day thinking what Nadim was doing. I debated with myself if I should call Anthony and get the ''scoop on the lastest'' or maybe I should be patient and just wait. 

I felt that I could not wait anymore. I had to leave my house. My parents were off working, and my siblings were not home. I was desperate and so I called a friend to meet for coffee. As I was pulling up at the parking lot when my phone rang, it was Nadim! 

I let it rang and when I was about to pick up, I thought ''Hmm... This asshole has kept me waiting THREE FUCKING DAYS! Maybe I should make him wait for a change''. I let it rang and did not answer. He sent a text message which read: 


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