Smooth Flying

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We finally arrived! After a good hour we memorized all the Beatles songs. I was still humming The Yellow Submarine while going through security. Oakley was shaking like a ninety-year-old man. When we arrived at the airport Oakley saw a plane take off and she ran straight back to the car. Luckily, Mae and I caught her. I offered her some Kit Kats and we were all good...for now.
        All of us got to the seats to wait a good hour for our plane to take off. Oakley was munching on her candy while reading Moby Dick, Mae had ear buds in probably listening to 5 seconds of summer, I was doodling in my sketch book. I loved the airport when it was busy. Looking at all the people was fascinating.
"I'm hungry." Mae yelled. I pulled out her earbuds and said "There's a Taco Bell around the corner."
"But you know how disgraceful they are! They took away my Waffle Taco!!!" Mae whined.
"You know I heard that there are Pizza Roll carts in the airports in China." Oakley said proud full. "Why talk about food when I'm starving?!" Mae said. Ring...ring...ring. We all checked our phones.
"Mine!" Mae yelled. Mae got up and walked toward the Subway across from us. "How's your candy?" I asked. "Way to remind me! I was just about to forget!" Oakley curled up and started to read twice as fast. Mae and Oakley could read a book in a day, they read so fast! I on the other hand, like to take my time and soak all the details. Mae came back with a worried look on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Quest! Quest is sick!" Mae answered. Quest was Mae's rental horse that she borrowed from time to time during the weekends to ride around her barn. Quest and Mae were the best of friends. Nothing could get between them. Mae started to get her bags. "Mae!" I screamed. "What?!" Mae screeched. "Okay let's calm down a second." I said calmly. "Brooke you don't...I just...." Mae was getting muttled. "Mae we all agreed that under no circumstances that we bale on the vacation. Remember the radio talk show?" I said.

About three months ago all three of us were riding back from my mom's house when the radio calls my cell. We entered a contest a week earlier as a joke. But I got the call. I answered no knowing that it is on the radio.
"Is this Brooke Fritz?" the stranger asked.
"Um...yea? Who is this?" I asked dumbfounded.
"CONGRATULATIONS!!! You won a free trip to the Union Jack! You and two other people are being offered tickets to London, England! Do you except?" The stranger asked. My jaw was on the floor I was so shocked. Oakley grabbed my phone from the back seat.
"This is Oakley. Brooke Fritz's best friend and we totally except!" Oakley said excitedly. The radio host hung up and we all screamed. Mae almost ran into a tree. After about three minutes of karaoke I turned down the radio during the commercial and said," Look guys this is really important to me and especially you guys too but we all have to promise not to bale. Okay? Because you know how rough the end of the year is so this will be our get away. Promise?"
"Promise." Both said in unison.

"Brooke, seriously? My best friend is in trouble!" Mae was about to cry. "Mae I know how much you love Quest but she is in the best of care I'll even call Shaun down there." I said sympathetically. Shaun Green was one of my other best friends we were friends since high school and we still are. We aren't in a relationship. Shaun is majoring to be a doctor/vet. He isn't sure so he is taking all the classes possible. Let's just say he doesn't get much sleep and he is always holding a cup of coffee in his hands. "Brooke, thank you but I don't know if I can enjoy this trip if I know something is wrong. And besides Shaun wouldn't have the time." Mae said. "Mae I'm going to go call him right now and when I come back we are hopping on that plane and going to go get ourselves some tea! Got it?" I was getting a little irritated but I usually calm down pretty quick. I grabbed my handbag and went towards the gift shop around the corner. While looking for Shaun's contact I got a glimpse of the time on the top of my phone. 10:15. I still had a good half hour till we had to board. I reached the little shop and tapped on call.
"Hello? Brooke?" Shaun said tiredly.
"Hi Shaun sorry to bother you but I need you to go to the barn and check on Quest for me. Please?" I begged.
"Yea of course! What's wrong? Is Mae okay? Should I bring my kit? Where are...." I stopped him because I couldn't handle all the questions. "Um...Shaun can we do without the questions and just get there ASAP and I'll call you when I get to my hotel. Thank you so much bye!"
"Uh...bye?" Shaun answered.
I hadn't noticed but I was right in front of the postcard section rack. I swear I could stare at these pictures forever! Mae was a really good photographer and I usually sketched what she took a picture of. Mae liked to take pictures of horses and flowers and sometimes a farm or two. I kept racking my brain with all the photoshoots we had when we were littler. Last call for flight 67...last call! Hey that's my flight! I supposedly did look at the pictures forever because in two minutes the gate to the plane was about to close. I ran as quick as I could. Mae and Oakley were begging the lady to hold the gate a little longer. They all really had my stuff. I pulled my ticket out of my pocket and gave it to her. All three of us were chatting about how rude she was. It even distracted Oakley long enough until we were about to take off. She had her book. Mae had here 5 SOS. And I had my sketch book. This was going to be a great trip!

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