Always be Prepared

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After talking for about 2 hours we finally got up. In the spirit of things we had tea for breakfast.
"'Ello Brooke! Would you like another cup of Earl Gray?" Oakley was talking like the queen herself.
"Well...well Oakley I didn't know you knew manners?!" Mae teased.
"Oh guys! I'm so excited! London here we come let's get out things and got to the airport I like to look around."I said cheerfully."Okay, Brooke I'm sure Oak is going to need 6 hours to back anyways."
"Hey!" Oakley yelled.
We all ran into each other's room. I met Roy, my chameleon. "Well hello Roy I didn't know you were up!?" He stared at me. "Okay, okay, but only because I'm leaving today!"
I grabbed some fruit from the kitchen and I ran back to my room. "Here you are Roy!" I tossed the fruit in and caught them. I had put my suitcase in my closet. I grabbed it and threw it on my blanket my sister made.
"Okay suitcase let's see what I put in you!"
I zipped it opened. I nearly packed all sorts of outfits. And my paint set. I wanted to capture London at night. I also packed lots of stamps because I wanted to send home a lot. I feel the postcard is out of age but I want it to keep going.
After about a hour I left my room fully dressed in my favorite pair of black leggings with the paint splats. I also had on a plaid button up under it was a Union Jack white shirt. My hairwas wavy as always and I pulled the front strands into the back and added a rubber band. Mae was already at the kitchen table petting Loki.
"Have you seen Oak's suitcase yet?" Mae asked flat.
"" I said. Oakley likes to be prepared.
"We'll have fun with that child! She packed for the zombie apocalypse!" Mae laughed. I turned around and saw a mountain of floaters, socks, jeans, hats, and hundreds of notebooks! Oakley loved to write. She loved to write about anything and she wanted to be the next New York Times editor. I have to admit Oak's got dreams as high as her tower.
"Umm...Oak...I love to death but...don't you think you've got enough stuff I mean the journals enough would bring the plane down."
I said nervously. All of a sudden the like toppled down. "Airplane?!" Oakley screamed.
Oakley then ran into her room slamming the door. After about two minutes Mae and I opened Oak's door. All we saw was a huge blanket pile with a little hole and little eyes peeking through them.
"Oakley...come on...plane and London or boring Ohio?" Mae questioned. "No!" Oak yelled. "Oakley? Come on you know what London is famous for?" I asked. "What?" Oakley poked her head out of the little hole."Mae hit it!" Mae was standing by the radio and hit play. The Yellow Submarine was playing. Oakley loved the Beatles. She actually had a poster in her closet. Oak loved anything old. Elvis, Bon Jovi, even old grandma blouses. Everyone who knew Oakley Jane O'mare knew she could do anything if the Beatles were playing. "Aww...guys you know me so well!" Oakley got up and started to sing at the top of her lungs. After about a good fifteen minutes of dancing and singing. We finally knocked some sense into Oak. "Okay Londoners! Let's hit the road!" Mae said. It was a good 45 minutes to get to the airport. Mae loved to drive. She used to drive her grandma's 0 degree lawn mower when she was 13 and she was a pro. But she couldn't drive without listening to 5 seconds of summer. So the road trip to Indianapolis was filled with the summer boys. I my self am pretty good at driving but I like to make Mae happy. That's why Oakley and I have a huge surprise for Mae when we there. But you know I don't want to spoil! Once we bargained with Oakley to only bring 2 suitcases (counting the carry-on) we hopped in the car a drove to the airport singing to all the British songs we could.

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