Chapter Seven

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"Mum! What's wrong?!" I asked concerned.

Mum quickly wiped her tears and looked at me with a weak smile, "It's fine Mal, I'm fine" She said.

In our family, "Fine" is the only answer we learned to say. Since my father's death, all my mother and I said was 'I'm fine' even if we are not.

I remember the day my father died,

 I was in my room when my stomach groaned out of hunger and I thought of having a quick snack so I headed to the kitchen. It was then when I found mother sitting on the couch gazing at the floor, not even looking up to me.

"Mum, you OK?" I asked mum, confused by her facial expression.

"I'm fine Mal."

"You don't seem like fine, tell me mum what's going on?" I asked again, double confused. 'Fine' isn't an answer. It confuses me more.

Then a single tear dropped from my mother's precious eyes.

"Hello is this Mrs. Anderson? This is your husband's office; your husband had a horrible accident." She said still looking at the floor.

"What? Mum what are you talking about? Is dad…OK?" I asked afraid to hear any bad answer, the truth.


"I am so stupid. We all are stupid." She said, breaking down.

Since then, the definition of 'Fine' changed in this family's dictionary.

"Is it because of Dad?"  I asked trying to understand, knowing she won't tell me.

Her head flipped in my direction, "NO, and don't bring this up again do you understand?" She said seriously.

"OK, I'm sorry" I apologized. Never ever in my life I've seen mother this sensitive.

Silence filled the room when she finally satisfied me with information.

"There is this woman, at the hospital I started working in today, She had … She had lung cancer,"

She started uneasily. "She has two months tops left for her till, you know… She has a son and I was supposed to tell him everything. And her son was devastated." She said crying.

"Mother, it's okay. Her son knows that everyone dies at a certain time and he knows that her time can be before his time. He will be devastated like you said only in the beginning, but he will get over it. And just so you know, when God takes something away from someone he replaces it by something better. God took Dad away," She shifted at my mention of dad, again, "But I have you, I met some friends today and God knows what good is yet to come?" I said trying to cheer her up.

Little did I know, nothing good is yet to come.


Sorry for the long wait and short update :S

I'll update more and longer!

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