Chapter Four.

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"Mal!!" I hear my mother's voice calling me from downstairs.

"Mal, Wake up dear! You're going to miss your first day of school."  Mum says again after entering my room, shaking me gently this time.

"I don't want to go!" I whine.

This whole idea of new town, new school and new life irritates me.

I am originally from Holmes Chapel. I was born and raised there.

But, after my father's death, my mum decided we should move to Danville, California leaving everything behind us, our house, our family and our memories.

Memories. It is such a small yet meaningful word. Memories can never be forgotten, even by moving to other places, other planets. The memories of my father and I, our family, will never be put out of my head and not a simple move out will help me or my mother forget our dad and the memories left for us to remember. But, there is nothing else to do that might help us overcome it. Plus, I got over it anyway. I had my crying moments and my moments of shock. I went through the whole death cycle.

Mother pulls the sheets and folds them neatly, that was her indirect way of forcing me to get up.

Groaning, I stood up from my comfortable bed and went straight to my small bathroom. I awakened myself by splashing cold water pouring from the tap, onto my face. The taste of toothpaste in my mouth cleaning my teeth and refreshing my bad morning breath with the mint smell. When I was done adjusting my hygiene, I opened my bathroom door heading back to my room, hoping my mother had left. Of course, my hopes were too high. Normal mothers wait for their daughters to get ready while they make them breakfast downstairs. Well, my mother was not normal. She had to stay and check out my outfit before I get dressed, whether it was appropriate of not. Irritating, I know.

"Mother, you do realize I am sixteen, not nine anymore. You don't have to check out what I am wearing before I go out, it's irritating." I shared my thoughts with my mother, maybe she would agree. Apparently not,

"Meligney, I see how some teenagers act and what they wear in your age," Here we come.

"In fact I wouldn't be surprised if someone went to school wearing a bikini in this town. Dear, I don't want you anything near that. And as long as you are wearing something nice and decent I won't stand in your way." She continued explaining. Can she be more suffocating?

Sighing, I went to my dresser to pick something 'nice and decent', knowing that arguing with my mother is no use. I will end up doing what she wants anyway so why waste my time and breath?

 Since the weather was nice today, I decided on wearing a navy tank top and a light blue jean shorts… and a tall white cardigan to please my mother. I will take it off as soon as she leaves me at school, I thought to myself. I brushed my brown hair smoothly and held it up in a high ponytail.

It was still 7:15 AM. I don't figure out why she woke me up so early.

"We are passing on any café on our way there because you know that I don't cook." My mother said answering my thoughts. I gave her the 'Whatever' look; I was still pissed off from how she acted minutes ago.

Mother took her car keys and made her way outside our house with me following her. 

As my lovely mother was as careful as hell, I felt like riding a huge turtle with tires. I felt the urge to tell her to hurry up, but I just kept it to myself, knowing if I made a silly comment about it I might end up being left on the side of the road. Yes, she may do it.

Finally after what felt like a century, we arrived to a small café.

Mother pushed the café's door open, using a tissue in her hand. That's always how my mother acted in public places; wiping glasses before drinking in them, asking waiters about everything before ordering food and many other embarrassing stuff. My dad used to calm her down and convince her that everything is clean and that she needed to relax. But of course, that amazing man died.  But seriously sometimes I wonder if mother has OSD, but it would be rude to ask her.

After making our entrance in the small café, we were greeted with a boy around my age with a slight grin; it was a fake grin I might add. The café only had two tables and a very long table at the back with chairs in front of it with the kitchen behind. My mother started to take a seat on a chair of one of the tables then the same boy who greeted us stopped her, "I'm sorry Ma'am, but these tables are for elderly people." He said with a frown. I guess this boy didn't like his job or was force to do it? Or he saw how mother looked at the café's furniture and despised her.

"But the café is empty?" Mum added stubbornly. I held her arm gently, "Mother, it's okay let's just sit over there," I said preferring at the long table with chairs, "We're leaving in 15 minutes anyway." I whispered to mother hoping she would listen. Luckily, she did.

The boy came back and stood behind the large table to take our order. Seems like he's the only one here…

"May I take your order please?" He asked mother and me while tapping his pen.

As I was about to say my order my mother spoke instead of me, "We would like 6 pancakes, three for each, Maple Syrup for me and don't cook the pancakes too much," Mother said while the boy was looking at her in disbelief, "And Nutella chocolate for Mal's pancakes. Thank you" She said cutting me off.

I can't believe her right now. I looked at my mother opening my mouth slightly to complain, but she glared at me shutting me up before I can say anything. Angrily, I looked in front of me while she completed looking through a magazine in front of her. The boy gave me the I-know-how-you-feel look. I just smiled slightly and he went away to the kitchen. So he IS the only one working here. I took the chance that my mother and I were alone.

"Actually mum I wanted scrambled eggs. Do you now get to decide where I live, what I where and what I eat? I swear I'm not three years old." I said raising my voice. I was pissed off I couldn't handle it anymore she was practically suffocating me.

"Don't raise your voice in public places." Was all she said to me looking at the same stupid magazine.

"You are unbelievable!" I shouted storming out of the door not caring where I would go, how my mum would react and who would eat my three pancakes. All I care about is how pissed off and embarrassed I am.

I kept practically running in the streets with no clue where the hell I am or where am I going.

I stood by the side of the road for a while, hands on knees, back bending to catch my breath. Then luckily I saw what looked like a car at the beginning of the road. I waited for it to come, and then I would politely ask the driver how far is Abbey High-school.  What my eyes laid on was a red Toyota, so luckily it wasn't my mother. I quickly raised my hand as a gesture for the driver to stop the car.

"Hello Hi. I'm sorry but I was walking down the stre-" I stopped dead in my tracks.

"The girl with an OCD mum!" The boy said excitedly. Oh no. It was him, it was the guy from the café. CAN THIS DAY GET MORE EMBARRASSING?


Hey everyone! So apparently this chapter is a flashback in Mal's high school like before everything begins! 

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Thank youu x -Nou

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