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Damon: why does that title sound really depressing??????

Samara: um because its a story bout death duh...........thats all im givin swrry.

Damon: oh okay that explains it..........but seriously cant you stories just be happy???? and a nother thing why the heck am I like never in the stories pauls in them more then me... whys that?

Samara: bc hes easier to write about...swrry. :3

kat: hi guys I know this looks familiar well thts bc I have two accounts on is mine ALONE and the other I share with a great guy (which is this account) my partner with this account is dark_hero762, we will be writing stories together and he'll probably end up helpin me with this one too, lol, but as you can see I usaully use samara as my personal person on wattpad and im gonnna tell ya something I dont really tell people...........okay here I go I have MPD so theres me (kat), then theres meg, samara, and sandy which is the one my parents know, they dont know I have MPD. And damon maybe youll be in this story who knows because when I get an idea I put who ever fits it better as the character got it!!!

Damon: yes samar........i mean kat.

Chapter one

cassy's P.O.V

So todays a day just like any other or atleast thats what I thought when I woke up before all this chaos started happening. Today is my 16th birthday and im not gonna get the sweet 16 I was hoping for. Well the first that sucks is my birthday is on a school day. The only good part is I get to hang out with all my friends. Its almost 6:30am so I need to get dressed for school faster because paul will be here to pick me up soon. Yes there is a bus stop no I will not ride a bus because its too loud and I mean seriously loud its like my hearing is better then a humans or atleast thats what the 'doctor' said I hate those things. Well it doesn't really matter because pauls been my best friend since I was born plus hes a year older then me so its okay.

Paul's like the greatest guy in the world, he's funny, smart, and I can tell him anything and everything. He drives a pick-up truck that was given to him by his boss so he doesnt have to walk to work anymore. Okay so one thing most people dont know about paul and me is neither of us have parents anymore they were all killed by the same people when they were together on Christmas three years ago. Paul and I were out buying last minute gifts when it happened. When we got home the cops were there taking the bodies away.

I still have nightmares about that night. So paul and I made a promise not to talk about it in front of each other but everytime I have a nightmare he wants to know about it. God he worries too much. I tell him even though I can see that its tormenting him everytime we talk about that day. It kills me to see him like that so ive been trying to find ways to hide that im still having nightmares, so we dont have to talk about it.

“cassy we're here, stop zoning out please, if you do that in class youll get sent to the office again, and I dont want that.” paul said as he pulled into a parking spot in the schools parking lot. “yea, okay ill try not to zone out, or get sent to the office so please stop worrying so damn much I love ya dude so dont worry so much okay?” I told him as he gave me a depressed look. We got out of the truck and started walking towards the front doors of our crappy school, when we were stopped by our principle and two officers. I knew something bad was about to happen because the principal sorta looked scared and depressed as she looked at us.

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