Chapter Ten

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"Henry, can you move?" I murmured quietly, waking him from a light slumber.

Alp had allowed me into his cell to get him up. Henry looked at me tiredly, and nodded. "Just need to lean on you, if that's okay." He murmured.

"Of course, come on. We're going home." I tried to hold back the excitement in my tone as I held my arms out for him.

He slid his feet over the bed, touching the floor. He flinched at the contact on his bare feet, and I slid my socks off. As unsanitary as it was, he needed something warm more than I did. I slid them on his feet, my toes touching the cold stone ground. He wrapped his strong arm over my frail shoulders, but I managed to hold him. Astrid walked ahead with Alp, and we headed up the stairs towards the main hallway. Henry tried to walk mostly on his own, for my benefit probably.


"Alright Lieutenant, Energize." Kirk spoke, and Spock, Uhura, Bones, Sulu, and Chekov dropped down into the Dock 13's Hospital. Bones hurried into the office, where the computer was.

"Phasers are set to kill, so don't be trigger friendly." Kirk told them, leading them out into the hallway. It was dark.

"Captain, Uhura and I are going to go and find the control room." Spock stated, waiting for the captain to nod at him. When Kirk waved them away, the two hurried off through a door and into another hallway.

"Spock," Uhura whispered, "Why does this feel too easy?"

"Nothing is never this easy." Spock agreed, walking behind Uhura. He was covering her, looking behind him several times. He also had better hearing than she did, as well as eyesight. He was suspicious, freezing and grabbing Uhura's arm when he heard footsteps. She looked fearful, having not been in a war situation like this in quite some time.


"Shh! Astrid, Alp!" I yelled in a whisper to the two, speaking in Klingon.

The two froze and turned to look at me, frowning. I waved Alp and Astrid back to hold onto Henry while I would peek around the corner. They held on, and I was as stealthy as I could be, after being poisoned for a few days and receiving a blood transfusion.

I looked around the corner the same time my favorite Vulcan did, and we startled each other. He held his phaser up and I threw my hands up in the air.

"Hadley!" The Vulcan breathed, lurching forward.

I honestly thought Mr. Spock was going to knock me out. He almost did, but not in the way I expected. He threw his arms around me and pulled me into a hug, squeezing tightly. I was in utter shock, so I didn't hug him back. He took in a sharp intake of breath, something I could only describe as a gasp, and pulled away quickly.

He straightened his blue uniform, "Lieutenant Uhura, I've located Hadley, Henry, and two others."

I didn't mention it, and neither did he.

"Hadley!" Uhura threw her arms around me too, unbashfully unashamed to do so. She rubbed my back and played with my hair in one motion, and pulled away, "Thank goodness. You're alive." She touched the bruise under my eye where I had been struck, very gingerly. I had to turn my face away, almost too weak to move.

"Where are the others?" I asked her quickly, looking between the two officers urgently.

"Searching for you, apparently. We need to find the control room." Uhura said, looking to Spock. He nodded in confirmation.

"Spock, take Astrid and Henry back to the others. Alp will take Uhura and I to the control room." I spoke, thinking he'd understand my logic. He obviously didn't catch on.

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