Chapter Four

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This chapter is going to be very short and sweet. I want there to be 12 chapters with an Epilogue.

"Hadley, wake up. Hadley."

No I thought. Not right now. The dream I had was an awful one, and I didn't want to open my eyes.

"Cadet Stanley. We have 45 minutes until it is time to report to cousel."

Leonard? His voice brought my eyes to open, and I looked into the with a sense of warmth that I couldn't place. I felt much better with him in the room with me.

"Cadet?" The warm mood vanished when I realized what he had called me.

"You're an official member of Starfleet, Cadet. Welcome aboard." McCoy smirked at my expression, handing me a red training shirt and skirt.

"Will I not have to go through the Academy?" I asked him, sitting up.

"Eventually, but Kirk pulled some strings so you can study 'abroad'." McCoy responded, smirking at his own joke.

"Thank you." I murmured gratefully, gently sitting up in the bed and grabbing the uniform.

Dad cleared his throat, suddenly making his presence known. "We'll leave while you get showered and changed then, just contact us from the computer. Just ask it to inform us you're ready."

I nodded in agreement, McCoy helping me out of bed and onto my feet. He lead me into the shower room, letting go of my arm while Dad left the room.

"You got everything covered?" McCoy asked quietly.

I blushed suddenly, nodding, "Of course."

"Very well then, I'll see you soon."


After stepping through the streams of water, I dawned underwear and a bra. I pulled those on, staring at the skin splashed across my exposed ribs. The ones that were broken were now better, no bandage for quite some time, but they still looked unproportioned to the rest of me. I suppressed a sigh, trying to find a spark of happiness that I was actually alive. I found none yet. I pulled on the cadet reds, lacing up my boots, and tying my long and uneven brown hair back into a tight ponytail. When I was finished getting ready, I walked back into my hospital room.

"Computer." I spoke hesitantly, not sure if it would listen to me.

"Yes Cadet Stanley, ready." It spoke very monotonius.

"Please inform Dr. Leonard McCoy that I am ready for transport." I told, biting my lip.


Dad and McCoy didn't keep me waiting long. They came as quickly as we left, in a hurry. I was nervous about my testimony, hoping June was there for support. No matter how much I was upset with her, she was the only one who knew how I felt about all of this.

"Commander Spock informed me that you both will be taken to two different interrogation rooms. They don't want all of the Starfleet cadets in there." Dad said when get got into the transport shuttle and buckled in.

I didn't respond. I wasn't sure my voice would work just yet. McCoy patted my shoulder and stared forward as we left port.


The Admirals and Captains conducting the interview greeted me with remorse on their faces, making sure I knew how sorry they were, and pulled the chair out for me so I wouldn't have to stand for this. Their questions were long and tiresome, and I described everything from the green slugs we ate to where we went to the bathroom.

"And tell us what happened after you reached the Starship Enterprise?"

The last question, he promised, was 3 questions ago. I knew there wasn't anything left to tell after this one though. I took a drink of water, parched after talking for 3 hours straight about every detail on the unnamed planet. This question, I didn't want to answer.

I licked my lips nervously, my palms going sweaty.

"I swam across the lake, where June told me that Astrid had gone back for me." I held up my hand to inform the man that I was not done, "Please, just give me a minute."

I took in deep breaths, closing my eyes as perspiration wet my brow. I had to mentally tell myself that I needed to talk about it. I knew McCoy was on the other side of the door, waiting. That calmed me.

"I tried to go back for her, but the Klingon's had already... They already." My eyes shut again before tears could fall. The pooled up under my eyelids, trapped like water under rock. "The Klingon had already dismembered her, and Dr. McCoy forced me to run."

My eyes opened, the floodgates falling. I gave one tortured sob and composed myself.

"Thank you, Cadet Stanley. We're done here." The man left the room, along with the other four witnesses, and McCoy walked in.

"Stanley, you're done. Let's go to the Spacedock. You still want to go on the Enterprise?" McCoy wasn't sure how to act around a crying girl.

I forced myself to gain composure, and I nodded.


McCoy showed me the ropes of the science department. I had a teacher that I would meet with for four hours every morning, and in the afternoon McCoy would give me on site training. I moved into my own room, pleased by the things in it, and incredibly happy with the fact that we were leaving very soon.

One night, after McCoy and I had eaten dinner, we were sitting around in the infirmary playing Cribbage. (I was winning) Captain Kirk walked in.

"Bones, Stanley." He greeted. "It's been two weeks since we've been on Earth. I've spoken with Admiral Pike, and our orders were as before. We're going to explore the planet of Gregor. We take off in 15 minutes."

"Yes Captain." I responded when McCoy did not. The captain nodded and turned, walking out.

"Say, why does Captain always call you Bones?" I asked, smiling at my cards.

"Uh, I think it's because after my divorce I mentioned to him that she left me nothing but my skin and bones. Or because I am a medical doctor." He sounded distracted.

I looked over at him, seeing unease on his face. "Bones?" I tried, adopting the nickname. "Are you okay?"

He looked at me, shaking his head, "No, damn it." He gripped the table, sweat forming between his eyebrows.

"What's the matter?" I demanded, my voice raising slightly out of fright.

"Space is what's wrong. I hate it."

"You're afaid of space?" I said finally, nodding in understanding.

"Not just afraid of it, terrified. And I hate it. More than anything in the worlds."

I nodded thoughtfully, "I'm afraid of heights."

Was I still? I hadn't been on anything tall in a long time.

"It's not funny, Stanley." He squeezed the brim of his nose, his eyes closed.

"I'm not laughing."

"You'll hate it too. You'll be terrified of it too, once you learn the kinds of horrible things that are out there."

I suppressed a dark chuckle, knowing very well that I already knew of the horrible things out there. I laid my hand over his, feeling it tighten momentarily, then relax. I kept it there long after we took off.

Great, I thought humorlessly, The one person I trust up here is terrified of it.

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