Chapter 1

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I've been trapped here for 3 years now, it's like a prison I did nothing but yet I'm still here. I have a cell made of brick walls it is about the size of a living room,

It was big compared to some of the others that was only because I have a cell mate.

I've had 2 cell mates in my 3 years of being here first was Sally, she was super nice she had brown hair and brown eyes but, she got taken.

No one really knows what happens when you get taken people assume the worst including me I guess people don't live to tell of it.

My current roommate is also a girl like me and my last roomie, but she has brown hair and blue eyes and I have bleach hair and dark green eyes my hair was waist length Claire had hair shoulder length and she was eighteen I was seventeen.

She is like my big sister I love her she loves me like her little sister, and she would talk to me and calm me down when I was scared and sad and I did the same for her, but she barely got scared probably because she didn't want to worry me.

The P.A. system buzzed I got really scared,  I felt like I was drowning and I started hyperventilating

This is when they announce who they take next "Attention everyone we will be taking one person next but, before we tell you, we have another announcement we have a new addition his name is Chase, and he is seventeen, he will be taking Claire's place, troopers go get Claire and put Chase in her room, goodbye" the P.A. buzzed off.

Claire ran to the farthest corner of the room and sat down and started crying "No no no" she said under her breath "No please no" she screamed
"Claire I'll take your place I love you"
"No that's not happening I love you
I'll just have to go" she froze as she saw the troopers come in the room.

Two troopers grabbed her arms and dragged her feet then she threw something at me.

"I'll miss you" I yelled over the screaming

"Open it when I'm gone " she yelled going out the cell gates "I will"I choked out.

"Ok, good" she said tears streaming down her face.

They took her around the corner.

I was still crying when the cell gates opened up again "ok ok ok jeez" he yelled they threw in a jacket
"Thanks" he said sarcastically he slowly walked over to his jacket and kicked it over to me on accident, I picked it up and he walked over to it and took it from me, he sat on the floor his back to me leaned his back on the side of my single bed, and said....

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