chapter 1

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new town should equal a fresh start, shouldn't it? oh well.

this town gives him a weird vibe, something bad.

but he can't leave now, he's already here.

he was introducing himself to everyone in the neighborhood and he waited to visit the house across the street. the dark red colored house made his stomach churn, something wasn't right. but he continued to take large strides to the front door, trying to put on a confident face.

when he got up to the door, he didn't hesitate to knock, he just wanted to get this over with. the door opened and he was faced with a short curvy girl, dirty blonde hair that oddly looked tangled, and icy blue eyes. any look from her could most likely make you feel intimidated.

"oh hello! you must be the new neighbor! i'm baby," her baby-like voice spoke loudly.

"hello, i'm luke," luke awkwardly responded, observing her features. he noticed splotches of dark red on her face and in her hair.

"is that blood?", he thought

"can't keep your eyes off of me, huh," baby winked.

"baby, i don't mean to be rude or anything, but is that blood on your face and in your hair," luke asked suspiciously.

her eyes widened for a second and then she quickly responded,"no, silly! it's paint!"

luke didn't believe that for a second, but he nodded and said,"well i must be getting home so i can unpack the rest of my things."

"okay, it was nice meeting you, lucifer," baby yelled as luke quickly began to walk away from the house that gave him the creeps.

as soon as he got inside of his house, he pulled out his phone and called his best friend, ashton. after 3 rings, ashton picked up and joyfully spoke,"hey buddy! how's your new place?"

"the town is beautiful, honestly. i think i might stay here for a bit," luke responded, picking at his nails.

"have you met any hot chicks?"

"there's this girl, her name is baby. and she's fucking psychotic, i can tell."


baby slammed the door and giggled, skipping into the living room where her brother, joseph, and sister, sarah, were laying back on the couch, watching tv. he groaned and asked,"what happened now," while sarah kept her earbuds in.

"joseph! sarah! we have a new neighbor, his name is luke, but i'm gonna call him lucifer," baby continued to brag about the cute boy that lived across the street. she continued to think about his features, his hair, his eyes, his lips, his everything.

"luke, eh? he sounds interesting, maybe i'll go over and meet him," sarah spoke, pulling her earbuds out. baby only gave sarah a quick glance before looking over at joseph.

"joseph, can he be my new play toy? pleeease," baby whined out. she always got her way with her big brother, maybe it was because she was so adorable or just really annoying.

"no, baby. the town is already suspicious about us, maybe in a few months. now shut up, my show is coming on," joseph groaned out, pushing her out of the way and turning up the tv with the remote. baby pouted and stomped downstairs to her playroom, slamming the door.

she faced the poor helpless boy, his skinny body tied down to a chair, blood pouring from the multiple cuts on his body. baby grabbed her pink knife from the dresser beside her, and stood behind the limp, barley breathing body.

"charlie, wake up," baby spoke loudly. he barely moved, only with a rise of his chest. baby tried again, but got no response. she was getting frustrated, so she slowly dug the knife from one shoulder blade to the other. charlie cried out, his body jerking forwards.

"charlie, you're awake! i met a boy who lives across the street, and he's beautiful," baby excitedly claimed, sitting down in front of him. she held the knife against his knee, letting it gently graze against his skin. she continued,"isn't that wonderful?"

charlie mumbled out something that baby couldn't understand. she hated when her play toys didn't talk clearly, so she raised the knife up and forcefully let it down. it went through his kneecap, causing him to cry out,"yes! fuck, please stop this," he whimpered out the last part.

"oh charlie, you won't have to go through this any longer," she roughly pulled out the knife and plunged it into the other knee cap, causing him to scream in pain,"because i've already got my eye on the most beautiful play toy in the world."

"baby, p-please don't make this kid go through this," charlie stuttered out. he feared for the next victim to fall under her charm, he hoped that boy was smart enough to avoid her. baby's face turned red, so she stood up and slapped charlie with all her strength.

"shut up, dumbass," she yelled in his face. then a small grin was on her face, she continued,"anyway, my dear lucifer is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen! and i'll get him."

her grin slowly turned into a psychotic smile and she spoke slowly,

"even if i have to kill everyone in this town."


okay so the inspo. for the name baby came from house of 1000 corpses/the devil's rejects, they're both fucked up movies, i only suggest watching them if u can handle gore and weird stuff. but i'm excited for this short story !!


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