Don't Gang Up On Me

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So, here I am again.

Back in classes.

Back in first hour.

Back in the auditorium, trying avert my gaze from Ethan's cold mistique. Did I really expect much else? I practically  did the equivelant of standing him up on out first date. I lead him on, and I was paying the consequences. It was a bitch move, I know. 

The teachers quickly hand out packets of the play script, and tell us to figure out which character we wanted to audition for. I don't like big crowds, so, I definitely am not fond of the idea of acting in front of an audience. Therefore, I couldn't care less about what character's line I am going to butcher over. and over. and over again for a few weeks, night after night. Who would be?

"Who are you going to audition for, Cam?" Jaz whispers.

As soon as the question slips through her lips the first question that pops in my head is "What character does Ethan want to audition for?" My body was practically forming it's own plan of torture to punish me for doing what I did to Ethan. I constantly thought about him, and it isn't making it any easier to see that he wants absolutely nothing to do with me. I suddenly find myself staring at him as he looks completely submerged in the text of Romeo and Juliet. It only furthers my interest in the play. I adored this play, and that is a big deal for me. I hate plays. I much rather watch films, but Romeo and Juliet was a totally different story. I love it! 

I can tell by the way his expressionless face is staring the pages of the script that he's far interested in it as well. I wonder if he is going to audition for Romeo. He'd make a good romeo.

You just want to see him in tights. My mind retorts.

Maybe, maybe not. I think back.

"Hello! Earth to Camille!" Jaz whisper yells at me.

I had completely forgotten she had asked me a question. At least, I think it was a question... Wasn't it?

"I'm sorry. What?" I finally snap back to reality.

"Who are you auditioning for?" She repeats, just a bit irritated this time.

"I don't know. The nurse, I guess." I shrug, not really caring about anything at the moment. 

Just when I'm about to daze off again I am being hit on the side of the head by a balled up piece of paper. it slowly fell onto my lap as I looked in the direction in which it came from. To my surprise, I see Ethan looking back at me pointing to his phone mouthing something that looks along the lines of

Deck shores home?

Okay, think, Camille. Be smart, here. He's pointing to his phone. You idiot, he's telling you to check your phone. After I finally figure what he's trying to say I check my phone to see a text from Ethan

Who are you auditioning for? -Ethan

Why is everyone so fixated on what character I'm auditioning for? What is the big deal, anyway? Just as I'm about to respond the bell rings, signalling the end of first period. I shoot him an apologetic smile, and rush out of the auditorium. I can't even bare talking to him. Which is odd because I was just complaining to myself about how he wouldn't even acknowledge my existence not even five minutes ago, and now I was complaining about how I couldn't talk to him.

Someone caught me by the arm, and pulled me to the side of the hall to keep from being ramsacked by ragged students. I quickly realize it's Ethan, and suddenly it gets hard to breathe. It's all of the air from my lungs just got caught in my throat or something. If I didn't regain the ability to breathe here soon I might go light headed and faint. 

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