Mystery Guy Has A Name

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I spent the rest of Friday night, and all of Saturday trying to convince myself that I wasn't just dreaming the whole thing up. I mean, come on. I went to homecoming, stepped out of my comfort zone, and ended up making out with a stranger is his car? Get real. 

But, the feeling of his lips on mine still remains, forcing me to believe that I wasn't actually just dreaming the whole thing up. I'm not quite sure whether that's a good thing, but i did it, and I can't take it back. I mean, what really surprised me was that I made out with the kid, and I didn't even get his name. Just the tingly feeling his lips left lingering upon mine. 

I sit still in my bed just trying to get his face out of my head. But, without even knowing it I had probably permanently imprinted his beautiful blonde hair, and big lips into my brain. All I keep thinking about is that kiss. It was more than anything I could ever possibly dream up. Just the way his lips moved with mine was inexplicably amazing. I can't help but, wonder what he was doing at my school's homecoming, though. I mean, I have never seen him around campus before, and I know nearly all of the campus's population. I don't speak to them, but I know them. And, I definitely didn't know him.

"Honey, I'm home." Jazelyn smirks, walking in with a huge brown paper bag in one hand, and a few movie cases in the other.

I couldn't quite decide if I was upset with her or not, I couldn't really thing about it what with The Mystery Guy taking up most of my brain capacity lately. And. I mean, if she wouldn't have ditched me I might not have met that Mystery Guy. I'm majorly conflicted but, I decide to see what all exactly I can get out of her if I act mad at her.

"Welcome home, ditcher." I fake a sweet smile.

Her hopeful expression quickly turns apologetic, and she comes and, sits next to me on my bed, still carrying her bag of whatever, and the movies. 

"I know you're mad but, I brought Chinese food and, the entire Twilight Saga as a piece offering. I know how much you love seeing a shirtless Taylor Lautner, and I promise to do anything to make up for ditching you, and losing the big V while you were left alone at homecoming." She begins to ramble.

It takes me a minute to catch the fact she lost her virginity while I had my first kiss. That is huge! She's been waiting for years to give it up to Darren, her boyfriend since seventh grade.

"Oh my god, no way! You gave it up! Spill!" I squeal, automatically losing any resentment I had towards her.

"Oh, God. It was incredible. He took me to his house, and when I walked into his bedroom there were candles, and rose petals. He went all out, and it was so romantic, Cam. And, he was huge!" She informs, and laughs with her last sentence. Which makes me laugh too. 

That wasn't necessarily something I wanted to hear but, I was glad she was happy and, that it worked out for her and Darren. I contemplated whether I should tell her about Mystery Guy or not. I mean, it was one kiss and, I probably won't ever see him again. It isn't really that big of a deal, is it?

"So, I may or may not have met someone at homecoming." I smile shyly, my cheeks probably turning a bright red.

She smile, and begins unloading the food from the bag. Out she pulls, two cartons of chow mien, two cartons of fried rice, two cartons of beef & broccoli, two cartons of marinated shrimp and steak, called the Samairi Surf and Turf, a few egg rolls, a few spring rolls, and a crap load of fortune cookies. 

"I had a feeling you would. Tell me about him." She urges, looking directly at me with expectant eyes. 

"You wouldn't believe how gorgeous this kid was. He had the bleach blonde bieber cut, cool blue eyes, and the fullest lips a girl could wish for. So, there i was sitting upon the bleachers when I feel someone staring at me. So, I look up, right? And, I see the kid staring at me until my gaze met his. Then he looked at anything but, me. I went to go talk to him, we slow danced, and then he drove me home." I explain, grabbing the first carton of chow mien, and attempting to eat it with chop sticks until I no longer posses the patience to use them and, grab a fork instead.

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