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"What?" I couldn't fully understand what he had just said.

"Stephanie told me this morning that she's pregnant."



This ruined everything.

How could I compete with a wife and a baby.

And how selfish was I to be thinking about myself, rather than the child that was to be brought into the world? Harry's child.

Then another thought came to me.

"Harry, how far is she along?" My hands started to shake and I could feel the anger bubbling inside me.

"Why?" I could've slapped him.

"Harry we've been– i mean like, doing whatever this is– for well over a month now." I hinted.

"Oh, God. You think–you– I haven't had sex with her in at least two months." Harry was panicked and I knew I could trust him because of how disgusted he look with the idea of being intimate with Stephanie. Not like it made me feel any better.

"So she's pretty far along then?"

"She didn't say, but I would assume so. Unless she's cheating on me." He kind of half-laughed at that. "Oh the irony."

"This isn't funny."

"So does this mean we have no chance?"

"I don't know what it means, Harry. I was going to let you back in so easily. A baby changes things. And it's not like we don't already have a lot of complication in our relationship, whatever we are– or were." I sighed.

"I'm not going to beg again. You just let me know whenever you decide. I'll understand." His large hands grasped his jacket on the back of his chair. When it was on him properly he pushed in his chair and walked to me.

A strong arm wrapped around my waist as his hand came up to push a few strands of hair out of my face. Harry's lips met my forehead and then he walked out.

He didn't say anything else. Just left.


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