CHAPTER 1: Welcome To Hell I mean My Life

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*Aira's POV*

Why?! Why Do my Life has to be Like this?! I didn't do anything for this to Happen! and yet always the Worst ever Problems occur to Me!! I don't deserve any of these. I hate it! I'm Tired! I'm Sick of it! I just wanted to Live Like the other Teenagers out there, They are Free and Happy, Unlike Me. I'm Locked in a Cage full of Hatred, Blamings, Shouting, Anger, Pain, Sorrow, Abusing and Most Of All LIES! why Can't I just Die!?

"You Son of a B*tch! Why'd you let the -----" I covered my Ears so I won't hear what My mother was Yelling to my Father. I don't wanna get caught up in their Fights again, They will start to Hurt me Like I'm a Punching bag, I don't want that. It's 5:07 in the Morning and yet the yelling is starting already, Yep! Welcome to My Life it's totally a Living Hell, and all I can say is 24/7 Fights, Yelling, Throwing Things and Of Course if they get a chance to get a Glimpse of my Face, They will Hurt Me and Abuse me.I groaned, I can't sleep peacefully because of what's Happening with My Family. I don't get it, When did they started fighting? when did this happen?! Oh Yes! I remember ..


-8 years old Aira-

I'm playing on the Park with some childrens, I'm happy because, I've always Loved to play with some kids who has the same age as me. My Parents was Happy watching Me, then this Man came. He started to grab all the kids Hands, then He started to Grab mine too. I started to scream so My Parents would see. I can see My Mother panicking so She started to yell "Do Something John! You're daughter is being abducted by someone!" she was Shaking My Father who happens to Shout back at her "Like she's only my Daughter You piece of Shit! She's your Daughter too!" I don't know what to do so instead I kicked the Man hard on his knee, then I ran to My parents who were Yelling and Blaming each other. "Mommy, Daddy! Look I'm okay please stop Yelling?" I said with Tears streaming down my cheeks, then I felt a sting coming from my Right cheek. My Father slapped me. "Shut Up You Little Bitch! You're The Reason why we're Yelling! So Don't You Dare Join our conversation!" My Father Yelled At Me. I had no idea what to do because to be honest, I never heard them speak that way to each other before.

When We got Home, the yelling was still continuous and it's hurting my Ears. I peek on the staircase to see and hear what they were Yelling and doing about. "If You Asshole did something she wouldn't be grabbed Like that! "  Mom yelled, "Well! If You Bitch didn't Let her Play in that Stupid Park, this wouldn't Happen! " Father spat back. I covered my ears but I can still here them, "Well at least I did something for my Daughter, I just wanted to Make her happy! Unlike You, all you ever reply to your daughter's favor was, 'Not now Hunny','Later I promise', HA.HA! nice answer asshole! " Mom Yelled. Then I heard a thump! I saw my Mother Lying on the floor clutching her stomach, My Father punched her. My Mother yelped in Pain, I don't want to go there because I'm scared that My Father would do what he did to my Mother. But, He saw Me, because he went straight to where I am, I can't move. I'm too scared and I can't feel my Legs that Time, then I felt it, a Sting on my Left cheek this time. My Father slapped Me again. "Remember it was Your Fault all of this was Your Fault, If your mother didn't defended you, She wouldn't be clutching her stomach on Pain. It's Your FAULT! ALL OF IT! I WISH EVERYTHING WOULD GO BACK TO THE WAY IT USED TO BE WHEN YOU'RE NOT YET BORN! SO I CAN PREVENT IT! " He yelled at my face. I ran in my Room, there I cried. I cried till my eyes and head hurts.

*end of flashback*

So Is it really My Fault? You see I'm only 8 that time and yet I understand completely why Most of the teenagers who doesn't have their independence or what do we call it, umm, Freedom? Yea, well most of them wanted to self-harm, it's mostly Because of Family Problem yea? I don't self-harm though, I'm keeping all the Anger and Pain and Sorrow in me. My Problem grew along with my Adolescence. The Yelling never stop then add the 'Abusing, Throwing things at each other and everything that can harm each and one of them or if they're Lucky, Me as well. I also had this Problem you know with regards of Friendship and Love. Have you ever experienced when You are alone and then someone came along then goes to earn your Trust but then in the end, They will be the one who will make everything much worst? Well I do, wanna hear it out?

"Yours Truly, -Harry .xx" (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) *On-Hold*Where stories live. Discover now