The Lycan Angel Queen

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Some rouges that are loyal to their king ran to me, teeth snapping as they try to tackle me. I just simply rip off their heads with my monster claws, sweet blood spurting out onto my face. A few manage to bite on my hind legs and I swing my arm around to knock them off. I feel no pain, only the great bonfire in me. I bite down on one of them, tasting blood and dirt. I'm always twisting around, avoiding their teeth and claws, my head and arms are gaining more blood. As soon I finish them all, I turn my head at the Rouge King standing over my mate. Ryder stares at me with fear in the and he takes off running. Ooo, a game of chase. My favorite.

I lean down and run on my fours, huge paws pounding heavily on pink snow. Heat coming from my paws melts the snow. I snarl as I gain on him, getting closer and closer. He does a mistake of looking back and he trips over a fallen wolf. I jump and tackle on him, digging my claws into his flesh. He yells of pain and kicks me off with both of his feet on my stomach. I tackle him again, this time, I bite on his shoulder and rips it off. His eyes almost roll back from great amount of pain and blood loss, but he manages to stay awake and kicks me off.

"Julia." Ryder put his right hand up in surrender as I push him against the ground. "You win. Just let me live, please."

No. I growl in his head, earning a shocked gasp from him. You will die of blood loss, anyway.

I go in for a kill, sinking my fangs into his neck and ripping his head off clean. His body lays still under my paws and I hold his head in my mouth. I taste his sweet tasty blood in my tongue.The rouges back up and I growl warningly. They freeze. I spit out the dead king's head and it rolls away, eyes lifeless and still. I stand up on my hind legs tall and proud, looking at each wolf. I can feel their fears, anger, and hate and I drain these energies into me. I can see the fear in their eyes, afraid what I'll do next. I can even smell it, the swear cold swear and shock in my nose.

No one can stop me now. I'm the most powerful beast on earth. They all must obey me. I'm their leader now. I'm the Queen of all wolves. I growl and most of them bow down before me, giving me respect and loyalty. A few that didn't are loyal rouges of the dead king and I quickly kill them for not obeying me. I drop the head after I kill the last rebel and I look around to find my mate. Instead, I see my lost loved ones.

My father stands along with the wolves and... a brother? I have a brother? My younger brother looks a lot like Dad. I can smell their scent, pine and a little bit of buttermilk. Does that mean Mom's still alive? I miss their smells badly, the strong pine and sweet buttermilk scents. They watch me as I approach them, still in my beast form. Dad looks up at me with proudness. My brother does the same with a hint of surprise in his evergreen eyes. Mom's eyes. Then, they bow down first before me and I bow back. My family have been alive this whole time. This whole time while I was being abused, they are out there somewhere and probably are searching for me. I see in their minds, reading that they have never gave up hope in finding their long lost daughter. Dad and my brother have found my scent and followed it to run into my mate and my old pack.

They suddenly knew I'm alive in that moment.

I turn around and make my way to my mate, him standing up with his hand in his chest. His shirt is torn and I can see the deep gashes on his chest. I get down on my fours and he bows down before me. I put my nose on his face, pushing him up until he meets my eyes. I lick on his chest to clean off the blood and his wounds heal immediately under my tongue. My eyes are slowly fainting back to normal colors, no longer red.

"Julia." Noah cups my jaw and rubs his thumb in circles. "I need to mark you."

An hour later...

I stand by my mate, his new mark claims my neck. The old mark have disappeared right after he marked me. I watch as the fallen wolves are being picked up by the warriors and dumped in the huge pile of bonfire. Stepdad must have managed to escape since we still couldn't find his fallen body. I spot Bear watching the fire glows and crackles for a while and he turns to leave. I narrow my brows, he doesn't seem happy to leave. Maybe I should do something about it.

I share a look with Noah and he nods. We both walk up to Bear which he stops when he hears us come. He turns around to face me, his brown eyes are tired. He seems to carry weight on his shoulders and I can see bags under his eyes. I look into his soul to see he's lonely and confused. Why is he feeling like that?

"Bear." I say, looking at him. "You're w-welcome to come with us-s and become my warrior."

"Really?" His eyes light up and he halfway smiles.

I nod and he bows, "Anything for you, my Mocking Jay."

Zaria's POV:

I watch as Alpha Noah walks to the cabin with my sister by his side. She looks so cheerful and I can see her mate's fresh mark on her neck. I run out of the cabin and hugs my sister, burying my face on her neck and wrapping my arms on her little form, smelling her sweet well known scent. I'm so glad to see her back alive and safe.

"Z-Zaria." A familiar angelic voice has me tense. It can't be. I look up to meet her eyes.

"Did you just talk?" I ask, blinking. Am I going crazy or what?

"Yes, s-sister." She smiles and I gasp. She can talk! I can't believe it! I don't know what happen to her that gave back her voice, but I don't care. I don't care if she's shuttering or make a few words, I'm just happy to hear her voice again.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you!" I squeal.

"Wait until tomorrow." Noah says and I blink again, suddenly confused. What's going on tomorrow?

"I'm the Queen." Julia claims. "I'm going to meet the King and I already accepted the challenge for the position tomorrow."

"No," I look back at her in shock. "You're so not going against him. He's too dangerous!"

"And I'm very powerful! I'm very dangerous too! I'm the only one that can fully kill the Rouge King and I already have. I have been abused, bullied, mute, and look at me now. I'm the Luna, the Queen of the wolves. I have came from being lowly ranked wolf and became a powerful leader. I'll survive through anything life will throw at me and I will never back down. Not even once."

I look up and down on her, seeing the great change in her and feeling the powerful aura coming off her like waves. Her crystal blue eyes are bright with powers, her arms are well fit, and I bow down before her.

"Sorry, my Queen. I couldn't help it, but acted like a mother to you. I just want you to be safe."

"I am safe." She says as I get up. "My family are back, I have Noah and you, and Bear is here to join the pack."

"Bear?" I raise my brows. I can't believe this either. A bear joining the wolf pack! The first time ever in our history. My wolf howls in joy and I don't know why.

"Mm-mm. He wants to stay by my side and so I let him join my pack."

"I'm so proud of you, Julia. Look at you, so mature and already a leader. I'm proud of you."

"I'm going to get some rest. I'm tired."

She goes in the cabin with Noah and I'm left alone with Bear outside. I meet his eyes and I get these feelings. Butterflies flutter in my belly and I finally realize why my wolf is acting strange. Bear smiles at me and my heart just leaps.

"You're my mate." I say breathlessly.

"Yea." He agrees, his voice's sounding sweet to my ears. "And I guess we're probably the first couple with different animal souls in history."

Yee, Bear and Zaria are soulmates!
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Edited: December 31, 2017

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