Was Once Lost, But Now Found

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I chop off the chicken's head and throw it over my shoulder, the dogs and cats hungrily watching me as I cut up the chicken into small pieces. They all run after the chicken's head, barking and meowing while Crow, a black lab, sits by my side patiently, wagging her tail and hanging her tongue hanging out of her mouth. I cut off the claws, the tail, then I puck the white feathers off. Suddenly, Crow starts to bark warningly at something and I look up. My heart sinks to my stomach. The familiar sense of fear creeps into my chest, pressing me down.

My eyes set on a boy near my age, his extremely light blond hair is glowing from the sunlights, his crystal blue eyes are full of worries and sadness, his pale skin matches with mine. I see maybe at least three males behind him and when I set my eyes on the female, my heart lifts a little. She stands, her long golden hair matching with her brown eyes and her white skin. My mate meets my gaze and it seems like the world around us freeze. All I feel is nothing, but the needs to get into his arms and I resist the needs. His eyes widen at the sight of me and he speeds up his pace to get to me.

Crow barks another warning, but he doesn't pay attention to her. All he does is paying attention to me, his body getting closer as I walk backward, gripping the sharp handmade knife. He almost grabs me when we hear a deep growl and I feel thick furs behind me, keeping me warm from the morning coldness. He takes a step back, looking at Bear in his giant brown bear form. I can smell Bear, his fur smell like pine trees and honey. I didn't know Bear or his people can change into bears. Bear stands over me on his fours, my head touching his chest as he growls warningly.

"Julia," My mate calls me and I almost shiver by the way he calls on me. "Please, I just want you to come home. Your sister does too."

He didn't use my stepsister; he just called her as my sister. I look at Zaria which she stands a few feet behind my mate, carefully watching Bear and me, dragging her eyes back and forth cautiously.

"He's right, Ju." Zaria claims. "He's getting worse since you're gone. And he will be more if you don't come home with us. The Alpha needs his Luna."

I shake my head as fear deepen itself in me, I bury myself more into Bear's fur which makes my mate growls, "Julia, I really need you. I know you're afraid, but just let me show you what kind of person I am just once. Please, I won't hurt you."

I have heard those words before. From my parents, friends, my old Alpha, even Stepdad. However, I have been hurting for a long time and this is why I ran away. I shake my head again as a tear runs down on my cheek. I feel something inside of me, a ping of pain and a strange warmth in my chest where my lungs were at. A blossom of warmth and the heavy weight slowly lifts off my chest, my brain slowly buzzes for whatever reason. I don't know what's happening to me, but Zaria seems to sense what's going on.

"Alpha, she's slowly healing. I don't know how, but you're somewhat curing her." She chirps, looking at my mate which he looks at me surprised.

I'm also surprised. I didn't know that the mate bond can cure me. Can it actually bring my beautiful voice back? Fear begins to creep into my chest once again.

"Julia, please don't run away from me." My mate begs, moving a step closer and Bear growls. "I want you because you're beautiful, brave, and you need my help like I need yours. I can help you, maybe cure you so you can talk and I'll love to be the first person to ever hear your voice in the first few years. I need you as much as you need me, maybe you don't feel it, but I feel it. Please, be my Luna and my mate and I promise I will not do anything to hurt you. I swear I will never hurt you."

He crosses his heart with his finger and rest his hand on his chest, looking sadly at me. Bear tenses above me, waiting for my reaction. Then, I shake my head and Bear lungs at my mate. Zaria suddenly transforms into her golden wolf and blocks Bear from my mate, both of them growling at each other. I turn around and run into the deep forest, getting away from my mate as he chases after me. Tears run down on my cheeks as I run, blurring my eyes with them, and my footsteps almost echoes in the woods. I hear footsteps getting closer to me behind and I jump on a random tree, climbing up as my mate stops before the tree.

"Julia, please!" He begs. "I will keep you safe!"

Safe. It sounds like heaven to me in my heart, but in my mind, it seems like a trick to fool me. Safe is one of these word that makes you think you're safe, but you're actually not. I heard that many times in my life and I know it's meaningless now to me. I keep on climbing, the branches digging in my hands with its barks and the pine nettles poke me. I focus on escaping, thinking I'll jump onto another tree. I have done that with Bear a few times and I can make it. I get to the top, bracing myself to jump. Before I can really jump, the branch beneath my black combat boots gives away and I fall through the branches, cutting holes on my black shirt and shinny jeans. I try grab out anything to hold on to, but I'm falling too fast.

I panic, fear deepening and causing me to breathe faster and heavier. Black spots fill my sight and I panic more which that makes it worse. The numbing comes among the fear, wrapping and dragging me into the darkness. They call out to me, telling me to sleep and play with the dark. Oh, how much I want to. Give up and die. Leave the life and past behind into oblivion where there's no pain, fear, or any of those kinds of feelings.

I feel someone's arms catching me, preventing me from crashing onto the ground. They are warm and are sending shocks and electrics across my back. My sights are almost black, blocking out from whoever's holding me. But I know who is it. I can tell by the warmth and mate bond feelings.

Before I can sink into the harmless blackness, I hear the soft voice besides my ear whispering, "I'll never let you go...."

Do you guys think that Julia is willing to be with her mate, the man she's afraid of the most since he's the dangerous Alpha? Will she accept him? Let me know of what you think. Vote, comment, follow, and share. Thanks.
Edited: May 28, 2017

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