The General

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After Fralang finally finishes his experiments he agrees to take me to see General Caprico. I expected a short walk, maybe even some form of vehicle transport. But no, he took me through the door he had first come through to a small room with two large silver discs set into the stone floor.

“Stand here.” He directed me to one of the two discs. “Right. Just, hold on a second while I-”

A bright light shone and my ears popped. I blinked a few times and then, I’m slightly embarrassed to tell you, I fainted.

 I woke to the familiar sound of the sonic screw driver. At first I didn’t register it, but as soon as I realised what I was hearing I sat up, bashing into the Doctors large chin.

“Watch it chin boy.” I say as I rub my forehead.

“I was just checking for any post teleportation injuries, you’re fine.” He replied. Checking out my surroundings I notice that I was lying on a couch in a nicely decorated room. Fralang stood a distance away, watching without speaking.

“Where are we?” I ask, sitting up properly.

“The big important govenmenty place!” announced the Doctor, grinning.

Fralang steps forward, scowling at the Doctor.

“You are in the halls of General Caprico. The teleporter caused you to fall unconscious, which isn’t surprising if you aren’t used to it. The General we see you soon.” He said, staring suspiciously at the Doctor.

As we enter the main room of the building I notice the walls shifting around me, swaying slightly every now and then.

“Are we inside a mountain?” I ask, noticing the walls sloping upwards in a cone like shape.

“We are, yes.” replied the Doctor. He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and scanned around. “The fog is surrounding us completely. If it weren’t for the teleports there would be no way in or out.” He flicked the screwdriver, examining the results. He scowled and put it back inside his waistcoat pocket. A chair across the room spun around, revealing General Caprico. I had to stifle a laugh as he walked towards us. He was about a foot tall and had a long bushy tail the same length as Fralang’s, which looked ridiculous on such a small body. He looked us over, his expression was very similar to the one Fralang had worn when he examined the Doctor.

“You’re tiny.” Said the Doctor rudely, staring down at the General.

“Many thanks.” Replied Caprico, “On Felspoon we believe that the closer your mind is to the ground the stronger it is, therefore being small is necessary when becoming a leader.” He looked over at Fralang. “Fetch us some refreshments.” Fralang bowed and scurried out of the room. “Clara Oswald, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He said, “We have made alliances with humans in the past, but you, Doctor, you are not human at all.”

“Nope,” replied the Doctor, “Time Lord, last of.”

“I thought as such.” Scowled the General. “We have had problems with your kind, a long time ago.” He walked back over to his miniature desk, still with a look of suspicion on his face. “But we have bigger problems to deal with. The Home Cloud has completely surrounded us, and most of the Felspoonian people have been taken. Doctor, Clara, we need help to find out what is happening.”

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