Chim- Blazing Love Chapter 11-12

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Chapter 11

It’s been 2 weeks since Kim came to stay here and we’ve gotten to know each other really well, she’s a friend now and I like her company she makes us laugh and she keeps Logan entertained so I love her for that alone.

Today she is going to her new house to get settled, we’re in the car on the way there and I feel alittle uncomfortable being in a car where Kim’s driver is taking us there

“Is your new house big Kimba?” Logan asks sitting in-between me and Kimberley

“Yeah its quite big babes” she laughs and his eyes go big

“Wow, can I stay at yours? Please? Please? Mam can I please” he asks puppy eyes big and wide

“We’ll see mister” I say to him and he pouts

“I swear he’s got the pout from you” I laugh at Kim and she laughs

“Kids pick up on things I guess” she laughs a beautiful smile gracing her face

When we enter the house me jaw hits the floor… its huge no its massive

“Do you really need all this space?” I ask and she laughs

I’m having two walls knocked down to have space for a studio and one room will be used for my musical instruments

“What instruments?”? I ask

“You know, piano, keyboard, guitar stuff like that I can play a few things” she smiles and I smile back

Is there nothing this woman can’t do I mean she’s a great cook that’s one thing I’ll miss is her cooking

“This place is huuggee! I could play football in here” Logan shouts from somewhere we go and find him in the kitchen, this room is bigger than me front room and kitchen put together

“Your welcome here anytime Cheryl” she says rubbing her hand on my lower back sending shivers down my spine

The next day I arranged to go jogging with Kim as I jog up to her gates I see a load of men standing there with cameras

I press the buzzer and wait for her to open the gate but after a few minutes nothing happens so I press it again

“She’s not been answering for hours now” one of the men say

“How do you know Kimberley?”

“Whats your name? are you a friends of hers?”

“Do you know what she’s been doing?”

They shout at the same time and its really intimidating until a security guard comes up and asks us for me name

“Its Cheryl, I’m a friend of Kim’s” I say and he nods

“She told me you would be coming, come on through” he smiles and opens the gate a tad just enough for me to get through but closed enough so the men can’t get it

“Wow that’s a lot of people” I say shaking me head

“They’ve been here all morning wanting to see Kim” the big bald security guard says and I nod along 

I walk into the house and briefly see Kim rush past me

“Heya Cheryl won’t be a minute just have to get my trainers” she says

“That’s ok pet take ya time” I say

“Make yourself at home Chez” she shouts back so I walk into her spacious living room and sit on the sofa, I take in the room and I must say she works fast yesterday there was only two sofas in here and a TV on the wall, now there’s a book case a rug on the wooded floor pictures up and a fire place built in.

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