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Chazmine P.O.V:

"Chazzie what's wrong.?"

  Ja'quez asked  with a hint of worry in his voice.

Like I said now or never, I guess I really don't wanna hear his response I'm actually scared I've never been one to take rejection easily and he knows it.

Which is why I don't wanna tell him cause I sure as hell don't wanna be lied to but I sure as hell don't want my feelings hu-- tf.?

Fuck this shit I'm Chazmine Ja'naé Carter!! I've never been caught up over a boy like this and I sure as hell won't be now especially over my bestfriend!

He gone accept my feelings and that's that! "Uuhh I start off" as I cut the radio down

"Well Ja'quez I've honestly liked you for a while now but it was last year that I realized I loved you..

I grew up with you, I took baths with you, I stole cookies out the cookie jar with you, I've gotten my ass whooped for and with you, you've been with me through thick and thin, and I can honestly say the same for you.

You've dealt with my while Mother Nature visited and everything most boys wouldn't do.

You've had girlfriends that said "either she goes or I go" and you'd say "bye then" not many boys would do that.

You've always been there when I needed you and so much more I could go on and on and on about me and you and the many memories we've shared but the point is that I'm madly in love head over heels for you but you're too blind too see that."

By the time I'm done saying all that I've already pulled up at school with tears in my eyes and my make up running my friend Tatiana see's me pull up and how I'm looking and she runs over to me.

Tatiana's about 5'5 with a chocolate skin complexion long black hair that stops above her waist and dark brown eyes.

"Girl what's wrong?? Mamma you look like you've been crying rivers" she says as she pulls me into a hug in the student parking lot with everyone looking at us as I cry on her shoulder.

" I just told Quez exactly how I felt and he just sat there he didn't say nothing I knew this was gonna happen" I managed to choke out she slapped me on my arm this bitch really just slapped my arm why in bawling as hard as she freaking could what in the hell.?!

"Girl if you don't hush all that crying and don't give me that 'did she really just slap me' look because yes I did.!! I've known Ja'quez since Middle School and you and I know he ain't like that he just straight up and plus he never stops talking so apparently you had him a little star struck or taken a back by your words. So stop sweating it mammí I'm sure he'll tell you what's up later boo until then I want a iced coffe from the Café! So leggo!!" Said Tatiana as she drug me half way across campus lol gotta love 'er

Ja'quez p.ov:

I was.. I don't even know the word. Surprised.? Speechless.? Ion know cause I kind of predicted it but just not that soon Chazmine in love with me.?! Ja'quez Allen man.. It's unreal kind of..

But to be honest I just wanted to kiss Chazzie and hug her and tell her that I loved her just as much as she loved me just more.

That girl is my universe she my everything if I don't have her or my momma my world isn't complete she's honestly my other half if only I could tell her that...

It honestly took me sometime to realize that she was crying but before I could say anything she's ran out of the car.

Then I saw the devil himself just in female version Aubrey 'La'shae' Collins someone please tell me why I'm with her again.

"Hey babe" she said to me in that annoying ass high voice "Hi" I said in a monotone voice.

I honestly can't sit up here and play with her feelings like this so imma be straight up.

"Look Aubrey you know I don't like to beat around this bush and crap so I don't think I can do this anymore I'm sorry these Six months we've had together have been great but all good things must come to an end and sadly this is ending bye."

I said as I got the rest of my books out of Chazzies back seat until Aubrey tugged on my arm honestly I could care less about what she has to say.

"JA'QUEZ" she screams with a lot of hurt in her voice you can tell she was crying that made me feel bad though "Yes.?" I asked

"Please tell me why you're doing this I've been nothing but good to you please just tell me where I went wrong!"she said "You didn't.... I did" I said as I kissed her on the forehead one last time and walked off

Aubrey's P.O.V:

This is some bullshit ugh.!

I bet it's because of that lil Bestfriend of his that walks around thinking she the shii.

But if she thinks she can just get away with stealing my man she got another thing coming and I have a few ideas in mind ;) Oh hoh hoh yes Chazmine Carter is going down and I'll have my baby back in my arms at once -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: Sorry I took a million years to update school was keeping me busy lol but I promised a chapter by the end of the week and boom here you have it and I made it kinda long for ya lol and my book my seem Cliché but trust it's not :) it's gonna get more interesting especially the sequel yus bruh y'all just wait my mind is over flowing with ideas lol but anywho this chapter isn't edited and I don't feel like reading over it lol but until next time babes....


[[EDITING (Cause it needs it)]]A Summer to RememberOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora