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That night at 5:30 a.m. at Memorial Herman Hospital, My life would change drastically my best friend of sixteen years,the love of my Life,my whole universe had just been pronounced dead.. and honestly I was speechless hell I just thought it was a bad dream until I heard that ear piercing scream saying "He's dead no not my baby" and that's when shit got real.. That's when I realized I wasn't sleeping nor dreaming this was real life... And I'm letting this be known if its the last thing I do before I close my eyes and take my last breath Ja'quez Lamar Allen will have justice and will be avenged one way or another and if any mf has to die in the process so be it!.. Father God please for give me for I am about to sin like no other.. Let these games be played Chazmin Ja'naé Cater is here to play and she's playing dirty.. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: ooopp I hope y'all ready for this drama filled book 😂 there WILL be a sequel and I'm updating almost everyday ((depends on what I'm doing)) up until the 26th ((when school starts)) then it'll be every weekend or something of that sort -Chezzy😘

[[EDITING (Cause it needs it)]]A Summer to RememberOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora