The WarLord & His Sister

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"WHOOP! WHOOP!! GO MEGATRONUS!!!" I cheered my smile growing as I did so. Megatronus looked up at me and gave me a quick smile before looking at he's next enemy. SoundWave took a seat. Megatronus' next enemy was a Insecticon, The Insecticon looked to have been in many battles before. But this one was his last one! Megatronus dropped the helm on to the energon covered ground. "You are being Deceived!" The million of bots cheered and screamed at those four words Megatronus said. I cheered too! That was my brothers battle cry! Megatronus then brought out his blade letting out a smile. The Insecticon growled and hissed at Megatronus. Megatronus ran to the Insecticon, who quickly changed to its bug mode and flew up. Megatronus quickly aimed his fusion cannon (that blaster on his arm) at the Insecticon shooting it out of the sky. The Insecticon hit the ground transforming desperately before Megatronus got to it. Megatronus took out and walked towards the Insecticon. The Insecticon got up and growled at Megatronus. "I have taken down stronger and bigger bots then you! And they nicknamed you "WarLord" your scrap! SCRAP!" The Insecticon growled. I frowned at the Insecticons comment and let out a angery growl. "Insecticon, you will soon know why they call me a WarLord." Megatronus growled back, straightening his sword towards the Insecticon. The Insecticon thought now or never and leaped at Megatronus, who swung his blade. The Insecticon quickly dodges the deadly swipe and swings a claw at Megatronus' pedes, knocking him off balance making him fall on to his back. The crowd gasped including me.

Megatronus P.O.V

I quickly try to get up but I am suddenly stopped by the Insecticon pushing both my servos to the gound pinning me. I look at my servo with the blade struggling to get it free. "LOOK AT ME!!" The Insecticon hissed "I want to see the fear in your optics wile I kill you." He let out a growl when he finished. I didn't look I kept stuggling. The Insecticon let out a growl as I felt him release one of my servos. Unfortunately it wasn't my servo with the blade. He grabbed onto my chin and pushed it to look at him. I growled and spat on his face before stuffing my thumb into his optic. Shattering the glass and cracking the optic before the Insecticon screamed in pain quickly grtting off of me. He backed away from me and put a servo over his now cracked optic. A single blue stream of energon dripped from his optic down his face onto the floor. I got up and ran at the Insecticon. He turned to look at me before 'SHINK'! the Insecticon let out a whimper under his breath. I had my blade almost completely in his sparkchamber, I knew I reached his spark. But just to make sure... I shot my fusion cannon. The Insecticon spat out energon as he fell to his side. I pulled out my blade out of what was left of his sparkchamber. I placed a pede on the Insecticon wile his optics lost they're glow. The chrowd cheered and screamed. !!ONE MORE TIME!! They repeated. I chuckled as I took a bow then started walking towards the exit wich was placed directly under the VIB viewing spot. I look up and see my playfull sister leaning over the railing waving extremely fast at me. I grin and wave back she smiled and yelled something but I couldn't hear her. I walk into the door and am greated with three bots a little smaller then me.

"Where are you going!?" One asked. "To my sister I would like to watch the show with her." I said strongly. "But the crowd wanted more!" Another said. "I don't care if they wanted more I'm going to see my sister AND THATS IT!" I yelled at the end the three bots let me go and I walked past them. Here I come sis i thought.

RayBlade P.O.V

"Aww I can't believe he didn't do another..." I whimpered wile I walked over to SoundWave. He shrugged and crossed his legs. Looking off at the fight going on. I look over at the fight it was a Mech vs Mech fight, the normal. The fight was actually pretty intense. One was a fast and small mech the other was a large strong mech. I started to get infested in the fight. I was hoping the small one won because why not. Out of nowhere I felt someone scoop me up off my pedes. I let out a loud 'EEP'! As I was picked up like a princesses. I look and see my brother Megatronus with a large smile on his face. "Heyo" he greeted. I lightly punched him. "That Insecticon really did a number on you!" I commented. Megatronus glared at me still holding his smile then rolled his optics. "Yup! But once his pride got the hold of him, I was able to take him down." Megatronus said putting me on my pedes. I look off at the fight and see the smaller mech get ripped in two by the bigger one. "frag..." I whispered under my breath. Dangit! I was really hoping for him to win... "something wrong?" Megatronus asked. I looked back at Megatronus and smiled. "Nothing I was just hoping the small bot would win." I explained. Megatronus nodded and looked at the fight.

...A Couple Hours Later...

The final fight ended and me, SoundWave and Megatronus are all walking out. Megatronus was carrying a metal bag full of shenix. And I was ontop of his shoulders. "Ok would you rather, have pink armour everytime you fought. Or loose everything you touch." I asked Megatronus. "Pink armour." Megatronus said. "Why?" I asked. "Because if I lost everything I touch I wouldn't be able to give you rides!" He said with a playfull voice. "OMP Megs! You were the one who threw me up here." I said still holding my playfull tone. Megatronus chuckled. "Yup!"

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