Chapter Six -- My Own Hustle

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Chapter Six -- My Own Hustle

Ava Beckham

Spring Break was over and I wasn't happy about it at all. I just wanted to go home and sleep. I didn't want to go to school. I wasn't gonna use it anyway, I already know the business from dad so right out of high school, Dad already said that he would help me get a fashion boutique started and everything. I was still gonna go to Community College for a year or two just to get some sort of degree but I'm not gonna get a full on major and go big with it. I have me goal and I'm sticking to it.

"Goodmorning Pooh.." I heard mom say to me as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning.." I said.

As you can see..Me and Kehlani aren't really on good terms. We haven't been on good terms for almost a year now. Everybody else forgave her for what she did, except me. I was the main one hurt over the entire situatuion that went down..lets just change the subject. I'm getting mad just thinking about the shit.

"You want some breakfast?" She asked.

"Nah..I'll get something on the way." I shrugged.

She sighed." You sure babygirl? I can make you some Pancakes with some bacon and sausage. The way you like it?" She smiled.

Damn, That sounded good.."I need to stay healthy. Softball conditioning is this week and I don't need that."

Before she could say anything, I quickly grabbed an apple and headed out the kitchen but I heard words that had made me freeze in my path.

"Ava get your ass in here! I am your mother and you will not walk away from me while I am talking to you!" I froze. I dropped my bookbag and walked back into the kitchen.

"Now you're my mother? Now you wanna talk to me and try to control me? Get real Kehlani! You didn't care about me for two years! don't try to pretend like you give a shit now...Goodbye Kehlani." I rolled my eyes and walked back out the kitchen.

It's a lot of shit 'all just don't know! My so called mother is something else. She always tries to play victim! Everytime, she did it to dad and that's why he let her come back and she did it to Raoh, that's why he forgave her. I grabbed my bags and went out the front door. I saw daddy pulling out the driveway and I waved at him. He smiled and waved back. I love my dad, he's the best. Even though I'm not his child, he treats me as if I am his. That makes me appreciate him even more, he's always been there..never left me and Pharaoh unlike Kehlani. I got into my car and saw Raoh sitting in the passenger seat waiting for me.

"Damn hoe, what took you so long?" He complained.

I sighed."Your mother that's what!" I rolled my eyes.

I started my car and backed out the garage. I went to Ebony's house and waited in her driveway. Like usual she was getting yelled at by her grandmother while she walked out the door. She got in the car and slammed my door.

"Bitch!" I looked at her. "What the hell is wrong with you? You are not in your mama's shit! Don't be slamming my door!" I snapped.

"Who the fuck you talking to Ava?, I don't know who pissed in your corn flakes this morning but you talking to the wrong one!" She snapped back.

"Bitch fuck you.." I rolled my eyes.

She sucked her teeth. "Fuck you too hoe." She rolled her eyes and put her seatbelt on.

The ride to school was pretty quiet, I didn't wanna talk to anybody. I was still pissed at how Kehlani tried to come at me this morning. She just needs to go away since that's all she does anyway. When we finally got to school, I noticed that somebody was in my parking spot. I let out an irritated sigh and rolled my window down.

"Excuse me!" I yelled to the group of guys. "I don't know whose car this is but whoever it is, you need to move it because this is my spot." I said.

"Bitch, fuck you! My brother ain't moving shit." One of the guys spoke.

Pharaoh dropped his phone and took off his seat belt. He stepped out of the car and walked calmly over to the guy.

"I know you didn't just disrespect my sister!? Did you?. If you did, that would make me really mad and you don't wanna make me mad, do you?" Pharaoh said in s deep and dark tone.

A tall dark skin guy walked in between them. "Tay, shut the fuck up. My bad Raoh..I apologize for my brother. He ain't right in the head."

The guy took his sun glasses off and On sight, I knew exactly who it was...Quentin..his fine ass. I bit my lip as I stared him up and down. He was one fine ass dark skin boy. I usually don't fuck with dark skins but shit, he might make me change my mind. Quentin approached my car and leaned down to my window.

"My bad babygirl..I didn't mean to park there. I'll move just for you." He winked at me and lightly touched my chin.

I smiled. Quite the charmer...I waited for him to move out of the spot and watched him drive down the parking lot.

"Damn hoe! You gon pull into the spot or not?!" Pharaoh yelled.

"Shut up!" I rolled my eyes.

I pulled into the spot and popped the trunk in the process. I walked over to the trunk and grabbed my bag for gym practice.

"What I tell you bout leaving the house with these tight ass clothes on Ebony.." KJ said as we walked up to us.

"Boy please! You are not my man." She rolled her eyes.

He grabbed her waist and semi whispered in her ear. "I was last night." He smirked. They both laughed.

"Y'all are just nasty!" I rolled my eyes.

"Raoohh.." I heard my brother's named dragged out by Taylor. "I missed you." She bit her lip.

I was disgusted by all of them. I hated couples. It was too mushy and I hate that mushy shit. I had one boyfriend and I loved that boy like crazy. He was my everything. Star Quarterback on the football team. After her went to jail for robbery..I pretty much let go of love. I just stuck to my usual plans of playing niggas.

I walked into school and went to my locker. A pair of hands went over my eyes.

"Guess who?" A voice whispered.

"Mr. Thomas!" I semi whispered and quickly moved.

"What's wrong Babygirl?" He questioned.

"I thought we agreed that we wouldn't draw attention to us." I said to him.

"Trust me nobody is going to notice. I have your letter of recommendation. Just come by after school to get it." He said.

"Thank you baby." I spoke in a low time.

"No problem sweetheart." He walked away.

Mr. Thomas, He was a young teacher, his first year teaching to be exact. I hate English class and I need English 12 to graduate..he gives me passing grades and I give him something too. So some of you might see me as being a ho but shit. I'm just trying to get by! Everybody has their own way of doing things. I just have a different way of getting what I want. Just like Pharaoh has his own hustle with our cousins. I have my own hustle by myself. Nobody knows of it though. It's my little secret.

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