Not Black or White just Inbetweens

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Crazy is the color of the demons within.

Drowning in self conflictions.

While looking through the cracks in the wall for self redemption.

Cutting away the parts of myself the belong in a trash bin.

Falling down the steps of depression

only to land in a pile of tears from past mistakes.

Injecting poison in my blood

from the growing self hatred.

Crying tears of bitter lost unresolved dreams.

From the land of happily ever after.

Diving in and out of my skin from the constant depersonalization.

Floating wars of pain .

Still trying hard to reach my salvation.

But this battle has lessened my motivation.

Constant cycle never stopping.

Highs and lows.

Fast and slows.

One damaged girl.

Yet to be healed .

From this big big load.

But the fight isn't done.

It's just began.

Because I finally see an ending.

Past the dark death ahead of me.

Because I am new .

Born again.

Finally noticing the inbetweens

That the wind sings in your ear when you sleep

Cause life is a war that you can win

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