There's this girl I know.

Who has felt so much pain.

And seen some great tragedy.

She has a tainted heart.

And broken dreams.

A soul that has felt so much bullet holes.

That the bullet proof vest has been blown to pieces.

She has the most

Heartbreaking tattoos

Self made from the cuts skin deep.

Cries herself to sleep at night

To release the raging war inside.

A fragile scared little girl

Hiding behind the mask of a strong teen,

Judgemental of herself

And hateful of the world around her.

She isn't that teen excited about anything

Life has to offer.

Just waiting for life to start

And for the deadness inside to float away.

Silently trying to find any small shred of inspiration.

And tiny bit of happiness.

She appears to be there.

But yet somewhere far away.

How do I know this?

Because when I look in the mirror

Dead brown eyes stare back at me.

That girl I talked about.

She is me.

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