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Later that night, Olivia's doorbell rang. She looked at the time and grinned when she saw that it was 6pm exactly. She got up from the couch and walked to the door, opening it and inviting Benny in.

She laughed and watched him struggling to carry everything: he'd brought coke, popcorn, candy, vampire fangs, a box of chocolates and milkshakes.
"What's up with the fangs? I have my own."
"I figured that if we were gonna watch a vampire movie I could wear some fangs just to add to the atmosphere." He grinned a toothy grin, earning a giggle from his girlfriend. "Sure, okay. I'm surprised you didn't bring pizza. But that's good because I've got some in the oven that are just about ready."

The two walked, well, Benny stumbled more than walked, into Olivia's living room. Benny dropped all of his things onto the couch and breathed out a sigh of relief. "All of that can be surprisingly heavy."
Olivia laughed when she remembered that she was planning on eating and watching films in her room, like she usually does.
"What is it?" Benny asked, scratching the back of his neck, still out of breath.
"I was planning on watching the films in my room, actually." She bit her lip.
Benny's arm dropped and he stared at his stuff, then to his girlfriend. "I have to carry all of this upstairs?"
Olivia carried on laughing and nodded. "I'll help you, though. I can see that carrying a bunch of candy and vampire fangs is hard work." She grinned.

Benny walked up towards Olivia and kissed her forehead. "I really do love you, you know that right?"
Olivia blushed and looked to the floor to try and hide it, but she was pretty convinced that it wasn't working.
"How about we take the pizza out of the oven, because if it's burnt, I may love you a little less." He joked.
Olivia playfully hit him before nodding and walking into the kitchen, her boyfriend following behind her. "Did you bring pyjamas?" She asked him, as she got the gloves to take out the hot pizza with. Benny nodded and opened the oven.
"Okay, good. Because knowing you I thought you'd forget them. Either that, or you forget your toothbrush."
Benny laughed before his expression froze and stared at his girlfriend. "Oh no."
Olivia burst out laughing. "You haven't!"
Benny nodded again and nervously smiled.
"Don't blame me if I don't wanna kiss you later because you have bad breath." She joked, grinning. She bent down to take out the tray with the hot pizza on top and placed it onto the counter. Benny rubbed his hands together and licked his lips.

In the end, Olivia took all of Benny's things upstairs whilst Benny sorted out the pizza. She dropped everything at the end of the bed and got into it, pulling the duvet over. Benny then walked in with two huge plates with one half of pizza on his plate, and the other half on Olivia's plate. Olivia laughed. "You do realise I'm not gonna be able to eat all of that?"
Benny nodded and grinned. "That's where I come in." Meaning that he'd finish it off Olivia's pizza if she couldn't.
Benny got into bed and shuffled closer to Olivia when she suddenly got up. "What is it?" He asked her.
"I forgot my blood." She replied, running out of the room.
"Casual thing for someone to say." Benny shrugged.

Olivia reappeared within a second, thanks to her vampire speed, with some bottles of blood and put them on her bedside table and looked at Benny.
"You ready?"
Benny grinned and clicked play.

For once, they'd both managed to decide on a film - it was the film that they were going to watch with Sarah, Ethan and Jane right before Rory landed on the roof and the signal went.

Olivia snuggled close to Benny as he took a bite of his pizza and sighed happily.


"Stop! We agreed no vampire speed, remember?" Benny yelled at Olivia, attempting to keep up with his girlfriend... and failing. "I've also just ate almost two full pizzas since you hardly ate any, so give me a chance!"

"Sorry," She stopped at the staircase and laughed. "I just can't help myself."
"Well play by the rules!" Benny panted, finally catching her up.
Olivia smirked and pressed her forehead against his. "Whatever you say." With that, she ran off again, at vampire speed.
Benny threw his arms up in the air. "Seriously?" He then froze and grinned, a plan coming to mind.

Olivia stopped in the basement and chuckled, waiting for Benny to run down, out of breath, after her. But he didn't come down.
She cautiously tip-toed to the staircase and looked to see if Benny was there, but there was still no sign of him.

Olivia began to slowly and quietly make her way up the stairs, using her vampire hearing to check if Benny was near. She could sense his presence but not exactly where he was.

Once she was out of the basement and in the hallway, she headed towards the staircase; still no sign of Benny. "Where is he?" She asked, tentatively walking up the stairs.

"Boo!" Benny shouted, jumping up behind her and making Olivia scream. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and pulled her closer. She titled her head back and laughed when he started to tickle her stomach. "Benny, stop!" She managed to get out.
"I knew the spell would work!" Benny grinned, struggling to not let Olivia free. He stopped tickling her and she let out a huge sigh of relief and lightly placed kisses on her neck.

"You cheated." She whispered.
"I know." Benny replied, pulling away and smiling at her. "But to be fair, you cheated first."
Olivia smirked and took one more step upward, so she was slightly taller than him. "Oh, really?"
Benny tried his hardest to resist his girlfriend and slowly nodded, not taking his eyes off her. "Really."

She cupped Benny's cheeks and lightly pressed her lips against his, before pulling away and smiling. "Well, I'm very sorry about that."
"Apology excepted." Benny responded, stepping onto the same step as his girlfriend, their eyes still tightly locked.
"You know, I hate to kill the vibe here, but I haven't seen this side of you since our last date." Olivia cracked a grin.
Benny chuckled. "I know right! It's been a while and it's working!"
Olivia raised an eyebrow. "Don't be so sure." She walked up the stairs and into her room. Benny was about to follow her until he realised. "Wait, you weren't being serious were you?"
By the time he was in her room, Olivia was lying down in bed with the covers over her, fiddling with the remote. "No, don't worry." She laughed.

Benny grinned and nodded before jumping into bed next to her, knocking over her bottle of blood. Luckily, the lid was on. "Hey!" She almost yelled. "Watch it!"
He chuckled and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I think we have more things that are a little more important than blood."
Olivia shuffled onto her side so she was facing Benny and smirked. "You're right."
Benny leaned in and softly kissed her, both of the couple were smiling through it. Soon enough, Benny pulled away, still smiling. "You have no idea how happy I am now that I'm with you."
Olivia hated lying to Benny - she loved him so much and didn't want to tell him anything that wasn't the truth. But this time, she had to keep this a secret. "Me too." She smiled.

"I really love you." Benny sighed, gazing at his girlfriend.
"I love you, too." Olivia smiled, leaning in to kiss him again.

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