Galleon hunt

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The lessons had now began once more, and Hermione began to worry about the whereabouts of Luna's bewitched galleon.

'Do you think someone picked it up?' Seamus asked her quietly in Transfiguration. Apparently the news had spread of the missing galleon through the members of Dumbledore's army.

'I certainly hope not.' Snapped Hermione.

'Well, they'd just see a coin, wouldn't they?' Neville butted in.

'Not exactly. You see, it spells out a date, doesn't it? No galleon has six little numbers on it. Two for the day, two for the month and two for the year. If it were to get into the wrong hands-' Said Hermione.

'Like Malfoy's?' asked Neville as he badly turned his goblet back into a rat. 'Is my rat supposed to be silver?'

Hermione corrected it with a flick or more of her wand. 'No. Draco wouldn't-'

Ron interrupted, 'And you know him so well? I can bet my goblet he's got it right now.' He spoke stiffly.

At this point four people who were hardly whispering in a huddle was not entirely unnoticed by Professor McGonagall. 'If you'd like to get back to your goblets, you four, I can see Neville's is still a rat and Ronald's is not much better.'

After three solid minutes Seamus said, 'Why don't we get him to buy something off Fred and George?! He'll use the galleon and we can get it back!'

Hermione frowned. 'Who?'

'Malfoy, of course!' Said Ron in a patronizing voice. He didn't get the opportunity much.

'Draco wouldn't-' Hermione began to plead Draco's innocence, but Seamus spoke louder.

'Wouldn't fall for that! And that blighter wouldn't be seen dead buying Fred and George's stuff, he'd probably report them..'

'He won't have it!' Hermione squealed, and several people turned around. Luckily McGonagall was now reading through one of her many transfiguration magazines and didn't acknowledge the noise.

'Why are you so sure?' Asked Ron rather suspiciously. 'You know him just as well as we do.'

Hermione began blushing and had to bury her head behind a textbook to hide her inflamed face. Padma Parvati, who had obviously overheard, began giggling.

'What?' Ron barked at her.

Hermione cast Padma a stern look and Padma quickly said 'Nothing.' and went over to McGonagall's desk, probably to ask for help, seeing the state of her goblet. It had somehow managed to grow two tails and had large yellow front teeth.

Hermione had mastered her goblet and began helping Neville with his. 'I honestly don't think it was stolen, more likely Luna dropped it, or bought something with it. Draco.. Well he has enough, doesn't he? He doesn't need to go around stealing galleons.'

'Fair enough.' Mumbled Seamus. He looked hurt that his idea was shot down so quickly.


Throughout the day, every time Draco had tried to find Hermione after a class or during mealtimes, she seemed to disappear. Draco had come within steps of her when he had been stopped by Filch asking about the whereabouts of some dungbombs.

'Ugh! I'm busy, you know.' He snapped as Hermione vanished from his sight.

In fact, she'd twice just stepped into the Gryffindor Common Room just as he turned the corner to meet her.

It seemed she was either ignoring him, or just so busy she hadn't noticed him. Maybe both.

But finally, in Care of Magical Creatures, she wasn't able to escape, especially now that Draco had a fire-eating salamander tucked under his arm.

'Draco!' She said, startled.

Hermione tried to hold back her guilty expression. She had meant to talk to him, to say something, anything..

'Nice salamander.' She managed to say shakily.

Draco grinned. ''Course. Hermione, I-'

He was cut off by Ron Weasley, whose salamander had decided was not worth obeying. 'COME BACK HERE YOU- OKAY, NO PEPPER FOR YOU THEN.' Ron yelled.

'Ron, you're holding him all wrong, no wonder he won't listen..' Hermione said, demonstrating with her own.

Ron seemed to have suddenly noticed Draco because his face went a funny colour and his ears bright red. 'Malfoy.' He said more to himself than anyone.

Hermione tickled her salamander on the top of its head, so as to please it without getting her hand caught on fire. 'Malfoy, have you got any change for a galleon?' She said suddenly.

Ron replied quickly. 'I have, Hermi-'

'No, I'm asking Draco.' She hissed quietly to Ron, hoping he'd get the hint.

He didn't. 'But why-'

'Ronald.' Hermione said through her teeth.

Hermione turned back to Draco, who was rather enjoying watching the entertainment before him. 'Oh, uh I'm not sure.' Draco said looking straight at Ron.

'Ron, Hagrid's calling you.' Hermione lied to get him away, and Ron was about to complain when Hagrid's voice boomed over to the trio.

'Ron! Lemme see your salamander!'

Ron reluctantly went over to the hut where Hagrid's stood.

'I'm not an idiot, you know.' Draco stepped closer to Hermione, and dropped his Salamander.

'I never insinuated-'

'You wanted to see my change.' Draco's face looked slightly smug. 'I know what you're looking for.' He pulled a hand from his trouser pockets and in it sat the missing galleon.

'How- Where did you get that?'

Draco slowly pulled Hermione's hand towards him and closed his hand around it. Inside, the galleon fell into her palm.

But no more than twelve feet away, Ron Weasley didn't see that. He saw one of his best friends and worst enemies holding hands.


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