P2. How-To

6 1 0

This is the product of the How-To prompt. I took a twist. 


How to read


I found a book

plain and simple. 


Its green cover

tattered from abuse.

"Read me," it whispered.


Inside it took me away

to a distant land

with knights and castles,

a known thief.


I fell in love with his story,

The Tales of Archwood

giving to the poor

escaping arrest

not noticing time whisking away.


One night,

Six lines adorned the back cover.

When I opened the book,

I dreamt I was there.

It felt so real.


A long dress tripping my feet,

being whisked away by the thief.

A fairy tale, it had to be. 

But his words broke reality.


"Forget about me.

Forget about the book.

Just wake up, Julia."


Next thing I knew

I was back in bed


The open book next to me.




Here is the REWRITE:


How to read


I found a book,

plain and simple. 


Its green cover

tattered from abuse.

"Read me," it whispered.


I fell in love with this story,

The Tales of Archwood,

a distant land with knights,

castles, a thief.


Like Robin Hood, Archie

gave to the poor and

escaped arrests.

I became lost within its pages,

time whisked away.


One night, six lines

adorned the back cover.

I opened the book,

and fell inside.

Magic? No, cursed.


A long dress tripped my feet.

The thief needed help.

I tried, he refused.

His words broke reality.


"Forget about me.

Forget about the book.

Just wake up, Julia."


Next thing I knew

I was back in bed



The open book next to me.

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