P1. Portrait

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This is one of the first poems I wrote for my Poetry Writing class. The prompt was to write a portrait.

Super Duo


            his name fits

            always lurking in the dark.

Sneaking up

            on me

            when I’d least expect.

He’s saved me thrice before


beneath that black mask

            is unknown.

When he’s running

            across the roofs

                        I can spot his flames

                                    of red hair.

He’s different from you

            not me,

                         I’m similar.

He walks on air,

            I shoot flames.

We’re a duo

            Shadow and I.

In the night we dance

catching crooks,

            protecting old ladies.

He would smile under that mask

            his good Samaritan badge complete

But I know that smirk

            smiling at me,

            smiling at me.

When the sun comes up

            we lurk back into the dark

                        ‘til next time.

Shadow and Midnight

            He and I

A duo of supers

            in a town

            so high.

Here is the REWRITE: 

Super Duo


            his name fits,

            always lurking in the dark.

Sneaking up

            on me

            when I’d least expect.

He’s saved me thrice before


beneath that black mask

            is the unknown.

When he’s running

            across the roofs

                        I can spot his flames

                                    of red hair.

He’s different from you;

            not me,

                        We’re similar.

He walks on air,

            I shoot fire.

We’re a duo

            Shadow and I.

In the night we dance

            catching crooks,

            protecting old ladies.

He would smile under that mask

            his good Samaritan badge complete

But I know that smirk

            smiling at me,

            smiling at me.

Does he know my secret?

When the sun comes up

            we lurk back into the dark

                        ‘til next time.

Shadow and Midnight

            He and I

A duo of supers

            in a town

            not so wise.

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