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Mitch's POV (as always since he's the main main character ya know)

I'm not a strong person. I don't hold on my tears and whenever I do, it's tough. Like for example the time I've cried watching 'The Fault In Our Stars'.
That pain of Augustus dying just killed me. And Hazel not wanting him to die since he means a lot to her. But life goes on ya know?

So yep I cried while watching Half-Blood Prince. When Draco Malfoy looked scared when trying to kill Dumbledore. It just hurt me. Especially the words he say.

After the movie there were tears on my eyes. I quickly wiped them off before anybody noticed. Luckily nobody did.

"Wow look at the time. I have to go now. Goodbye then," Caspar says quickly as he gets out of the room.

"Bye..." Joe quietly says. The room became silence for a few seconds until Jerome speaks.

"Joe it's obvious."

"W-what is obvious?" he stutters.

"You like Caspar fucking Lee don't you?" Jerome teases.

"N-no I don't. Haha what are you talking about. Okay I think I'm gonna go now bye!" he says when running to the door but Jerome quickly blocks it.

"Why leaving so soon? We were just wondering," Jerome smirks at Joe.

"Okay fine. Yes I love Caspar Lee. Okay can I go now?" he replied while trying to get through the door.

"Yes you may," Jerome lets Joe out, leaving me and him alone.

Then a few flashbacks went through my head. Of Jerome and I in the mistletoe earlier. I forgot it happened. I really hope he doesn't bring it up.
I can't believe I was about to kiss Jerome Aceti. The straight, cool, popular guy.

Do I even like him? No it can't be. He wouldn't like me back. Since I'm ugly and unlovable.

I couldn't help but think about that incident through the whole night. Even when Jerome left, I kept thinking about it.

Did I made the right choice of not kissing him. If so, why am I worried?

I just imagine what his lips would feel like. I bet it would be soft.

Mitchell your gay is showing.

Yes it is thanks for reminding me.

~New Years~

Today is the first day of the year and it's already bad. I wrote an essay about the wrong subject, had Connor spill soda on my lap, and worst of all, Jerome called me.

I don't get why. I'm not an interesting person myself.

/420 words so far ;-))/

I wanted to ignore his call but it kept ringing and ringing, until I gave up and just replied. He ended up talking about hanging out today but I lied and said I was 'busy'.

Honestly I wanted to ignore him until break is over. He's driving me crazy already.


Short chapter

Yeah I wanted to make this quickly because it's been forever since I updated.

(also yes my writing has been getting shit lately because I haven't been writing a lot and my English teacher doesn't teach us anything or make us write essays rip ://)

qotd: if you would to travel anywhere in the world, where would you want to go?

my answer: I would love to go to Japan or London. Or Florida.

Isolated {Merome AU} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now