Chapter 10: The Mask (bum bum buumm)

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I walked up to S.T.A.R labs and took a deep breath, I was really gunna do it. I sped up to the cortex and saw barry, Caitlyn, cisco, and wells all waiting for me. "Hello brainiacs, nice to see your all here." I said laughing.

Cisco was trying to fight back the urge to run up and hug me, I could see it in his eyes. I raised my and and took off my mask. I watched as cisco and barrys jaws drop a little. Caitlyn looked happy and dr.wells looked impressed.

I smiled big, but cisco couldn't fight the urge and more and ran up and hugged me. This was the best reaction ever.

Barry's P.O.V

When (y/n) took off her mask she looked so beautiful with her (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. She was so stunning. I just couldnt get over the fact of how beautiful she looked.

Yeah, even with the mask on she looked pretty, but with out it? She look 1000x more hotter. Get a hold of your self barry! Snap out of it! You can't like a girl you only just met! But, maybe if I got to know her more...

(Le time skip to tonight because I'm bord)

Back to your p.o.v

I walked into the bar and saw cisco and Caitlyn sitting in a booth. I walked over (with out the mask) and sat down next to Caitlyn.

"So where's barry?" I asked. Cisco looked at me like he was going to explode with excitement. "He should be here." Caitlyn said. Just then barry walked over with a tray full of shots.

"Guys we have a problem." He said. He drank all of them super fast then said "I feel nothing." "That's how your suppose to feel." Cisco said smiling. "No I mean I'm not buzzed." He said seriously.

"Maybe it's because your hypermetabolism is burning off the alcohol." Caitlyn said "I'll need a sample, from both of you." Caitlyn said looking at barry then me.

(Time skip to when cisco and Caitlyn left the bar and it's just you and barry. Wink wink, nuge nuge)

"I could walk you home if you want" Barry asked shyly. "Sure if your ok with that" I said. He started to blush and said "yeah, let's go.". ~is he blushing? Aw how adorable. He is kinda cute....and handsome...and sweet...wait, get a grip girl! He's just walking you home, that's it. Nothing more.~ I tought.

( sorry I just had to. XD)

As barry was walking me home, we talked a little bit about our lives. I found out that his mom died and the blame was put on his dad.

I told him that my parents where murdered. As we were talking I felt like someone was watching us. I stopped walking and barry turned around. "What is it? Something wrong?" He asked.

"I feel like we're being watched" I said. Then just as I said that a white van came bolting don't the street and stopped where me and barry where. 7 men came out of the van and attacked barry.

I tryed to help him but I was pulled back and had a rag over my mouth and nose. Soon everything started to blur and I passed out.

Barry's P.O.V again

After (y/n) passed out from the rag, they took her in the van. The other men ran back into the van and drove away. I tryed to get up, but they beat me up to badly. I could only watch as they took away (y/n).

I grabbed my phone and took a picture of their license plate and call cisco.

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