Chapter 9: Luna and Cisco sitting in a tree.

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I sped luna over to S.T.A.R labs the next day to meet cisco. I told her to wait our side the cortex.

"Sup Nerds I'm back." I said with a smile. Cisco ran up and hugged me. "Your like the little brother I always wanted" I said laughing. Caitlyn rolled her eyes and went back to working on what ever she was doing. Dr.wells wasn't there yet and barry was somewhere.

"Hey there's someone I want you to meet, don't worry she knows about my speed." I said. Caitlyn wiped around as luna walked through the door. "Hia, your cisco right?" She asked shaking his hand. "Yeah, who are you?" Cisco asked.

"I'm luna, I'm the first one (y/n) told about her power." She said with a smirk. "Cool, I'm cisco, I'm the first one she trusted to show her face to." He said smiling. As cisco and luna tried to best each other, I walked over to Caitlyn and watched what she was doing. She was tinkering with her medical tools. "So we're barry?" I asked.

"He went home to got take a shower or something." Cisco answered. "Let's go to jitters, and you can tell me more about you. I want to see if your worthy of seeing (y/n) 's face." Luna said leading cisco out of the cortex. "Yeah, oh great one" Cisco said rolling his eyes. I waved him good bye and turned back to Caitlyn.

"So what Metta-human do we have today?" I asked. "A shape-shifting one." She said walking over to her little lab. "And what are you doing?" I asked. "We'll I'm making a surim to disable his abilities temporarily." Caitlyn said. I sighed and turned around to see Barry walk in the cortex. "Hia nerd" I said walking up to him. "Hey, you."

He said hesitantly. He walked over to Caitlyn and asked her what she was doing. Then after talking a bit I say barry kiss her. I don't know why, but I felt like throwing something at him. She looked surprised.

I walked over to barry and said "babe?! Why did you kiss her??" I asked angrily. Caitlyn looked at me confusingly. I walked over like I was angry at her and wispered "play along, if this goes as I think it will, then that's not barry." I turned around and slapped him. "Oh! I'm sorry, I uh..." He looked really confused.

"if you really love me as your girlfriend then you'll kiss me." I said. He started to lean in to kiss me, but I grabbed a syringe that was behind me and jabbed it in his arm, wich in return cased him to pass out. "Your right, that's not barry. You two art dating, you barley know him too." Caitlyn said.

"Thank god." She sighed in relief. I looked confused at her then shoke it off. "I'll go find barry" I said. I sped off to the west's house and up their stairs. I looked in every room until I saw one that looked like barrys. I walked over to the closet and looked down to find barry. I sat down on the floor next to barry and rolled him so he was laying on his back.i took off the tape on his mouth and hands.

"Barry! Barry wake up!" I yelled. No response. I looked around for anything to wake him up, but saw nothing. So, I slapped him. "OW! What was that for?!" He asked. "You where unconscious!" I said helping him sit up. "Smelling salts work just fine!" He argued. "Well does it look like I have and smelling salts on me?" I said opening my arms.

He took off the tape on his ankles and I helped him up. That's when I got a call from Caitlyn saying she lost the shifter.

(Time skip to after barry takes out the shape-shifter because I'm lazy)

I was walking back home with luna when I heard barry run up from behind me. "So, hey. Um, I was wondering if you could come get drinks with me, cisco and Caitlyn tomorrow night?" He asked shyly.

"Sure why not. Oh and tomorrow morring, have cisco, Caitlyn, and wells there. I'm taking off my mask at the cortex." I said smirking. "Wait what!?" Luna said looking at me with dismay. "Really?! Your going to take off your mask?!" Barry said. He looked like a puppy who was just told it could have a treat.

"Yeah, I'm going to take off the mask tomorrow." I said honestly. Barry smiled really big and ran off. Luna looked like she was going to explode. I told her to calm down and walked home.

This was going to be great, yet something about Dr.wells seeing her face made her seem a bit uncomfortable.

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