chapter 4

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Two weeks later i went back to school, people ignored me and some mean girls even tripped me a couple times each day and said it was all my fault Sammi's dead. in responce i ran away crying. It was like that for about a month until my parents told me some great, well i guess some-what great, news. We were moving because they were tired of living out in the country and, my moms job was moved to the city. They said we were going to be moving in about a month. I was fine with it as long as i wasnt in this town or school for much longer. I ran up stairs and started packing my things so maybe, just maybe the moving stuff wouldnt take so long. As i was packing i remembered that underneith the 6th floorboard against the farthest wall by the window, was a bunch or news paper clippings and scrapbook collages or Sammi and me. I thought about leaving them but i didnt want to forget about Sammi forever. I only wanted to forget about that night. I put them in my music box, the one with the secret bottom in it. As i was putting things in boxes i found Sammi and my best friend necklace. I remember she had taken hers off right befor we left to walk down town, she said she didnt want to lose it so she put it on my dresser. Her necklace was a purple pig with a donut in its mouth, and mine was a blue pig with a donut in its mouth. Her half or the donut said "best" and mine said "friends". i put them both on. i started to cry. I stopped quickly because i heard someone comming up the stairs. It was my mom she said that the food was ready, and if i could get all my stuff all packed up by the end of the week we could be moving later the next week.

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