
155 1 0

1.         What is your user name?


2.         How old are you?



3.         Which hemisphere do you live in?



4.         How long have you been on Wattpad?

For about two months now.

5.         When did you start writing?

I started writing really bad short stories in kindergarten/ 1st grade. Though I didn't start writing seriously til 6th grade,

6.         What book are you most proud of?

            Will I wrote one story that's not on wattpad called The Hunters. It took me two years to write because I always had to start over when I didn't like something. It's a seven book long series and I'm in love with it because it took the most work to write and finish.

7.         What is your favourite genre to read?

Action...I like the pace....but I like horror more

8.         Who are your favourite Wattpad authors?

I don't have any, since I just started wattpad not to long ago. But my favorite authors are probably the undiscovered ones, who work mostly just to get their work out their than to get more fans.

9.         Who are your Favourite published authors?

James Patterson. But I'm more of an Emily Dickinson and Poe kind of person....yeah.

10.      What is the best comment you have ever got?

I can't choose, but the best type of comments are get are usually the critique ones. I like it when people are blunt towards my work and tell me what I have to do to improve,

11.      What is your biggest pet peeve?

Commercials that make zero sense, tell you almost nothing about the product, or get some fact celebrity to try to sell it to you....it just gets on my nerves.

12.      Name a random fact about yourself.

            Um,....I'm one third Japanese...and I use that fact to brag....I also (sadly) spend more time on wattpad then I should.

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