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1.        What is your user name?

It's kind of obvious, but okay--overzealous, recently ihatecheese.

2.        How old are you?

My parents have claimed that I am of fourteen years of age.

3.        Which hemisphere do you live in?

I believe it's the north, but I've never been good at geography so I could be wrong.

4.        How long have you been on Wattpad?

A while. Since April 25 of this year (2011).

5.        When did you start writing?

When I was little.

6.        What book are you most proud of?

I guess you could say She Left Her Bra In Your Car, since that's most liked, but I really like the new book I'm starting to write.

7.        What is your favourite genre to read?

I guess mystery/suspense.

8.        Who are your favourite Wattpad authors?

WelaraJumper aaaaand that's about it.

9.        Who are your Favourite published authors?

Lauren Kate, Laurie Halse Anderson, Lisa McMann, Sara Shepard.

10.      What is the best comment you have ever got?

Something about me being so nice to my fans by replying to them. I thought it was kind of sad, because, shouldn't every author reply, at least every once in a while? After all, without fans and readers, a story wouldn't be anything.

11.      What is your biggest pet peeve?

People who start rumors, and people who are stupid enough to believe them.

12.    Name a random fact about yourself.

I want a pony.

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