;;headaches, you give me HEADACHES;;

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Skirts are pretty.

Especially on me, I look hot as fuck right now. I definitely look hotter than Brendon and his girlfriend.

And now I'm on my way to gym class, where I'll sweat in my cute clothes and makeup. I could absolutely change into gym clothes, but they're ugly; I am not ugly (I'm cute as fuck).

"Ross, you're late," the gym teacher sighs when I walk onto the field while the rest of the class is practicing soccer tactics. "There isn't enough time to just shove you on a team...just sit on the bleachers," she tells me.

I nod and practically skip over to the bleachers, where I can successfully stay cute during gym class.

About two minutes after I sit down, someone sits down next to me and says, "I like your outfit." Usually, although I already know, I'd be polite and accept the compliment. But this dude was creepy and dirty, and I'm too cute to take any shit from creepy dudes. Especially this creepy dude that thinks it's acceptable to put his hand that high on my leg.

"Kindly get the fuck away from me, I'm only 16," I say when he tries to move his dirty ass hand again. I scoot away from him, straight off the bleachers and sprint sway right when the gym teacher blows her whistle.

Sadly, my getaway wasn't as successful as it could've been. I ran straight into Brendon's girlfriend.

bleachers ;; ryden *completed*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang