Chapter 13

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Jasper sat on Milo's bed with a seemingly happy smile on his face. Unlike Lucas and Marcus. They were in a storm of frustration trying to explain that they were Jasper's mates, but he seem laugh it off and look to Milo or Jerry for another answer, I mean, who'd think they'd mate to not one, but to alphas.

", Ok, maybe he hit his head? He just needs to rest ," Milo tried to explain to himself, this didn't make much sense at all. Did he maybe get into a fight hit his head? How could he forget his mates? How could he even hold himself in their presence? And what's more, why was he so happy?

", By the way, I'm Loi,"

Jerry froze, and Lucas and Marcus flinched. Why was that name so familiar?

", Loi? ," Milo asked.

", Yep, I'm the spirit that leads the lost souls to their rightful place, I also take care of those who are close to death's door, like this guy," Jasper/Loi touched their chest ", this guy has a good chance of not waking up ," She glared at Luaus huffed ", I don't like you ," she said simply before continuing ", His heart is cracked in two places, deeming it very fragile, thus I have his softly beating heart slowed, as to make sure it doesn't break anymore. And looking into his memories I think it's for the best ,"

", So he's not dead? ,"

", Nope, But he's not alive ," she sighed.

", Whats that meant to mean? ," Milo asked as he grabbed Jasper's shoulders.

", Think of his heart like a small flower, the crystal has fully covered that heart of his. Now throw two sharp rocks at it ," She turned to Lucas and Marcus ", Now tell me what image you see,"

Marcus and Lucas flinched.

", Well, you fucked up ," Jerry sighed.

End of chapter.

Sorry for the short chapter, I wanna write, but with editing my other books and studying, I just can't get any time to.

Hope this chapter is ok for now.

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