Chapter 9

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Sorry, but I went back to read and I noticed that chapter 2 and 3 are missed placed. I'm not really sure why,  but sorry for the trouble or confusion it had caused. I'll try to fix it, but till then please bare with me.

Jerry's Pov:

Mr Sew told me cheek up on Jasper before he got to class. But me being a complete idiot, didn't ask what he had he. So I did the next responsible thing, I went and asked Milo.

He told me he had Dragons ED, which in my case, thought he was a lucky fucker. I mean not only is Dragons ED one of the top classes in this school, you were able to raise a dragon, of your choice Name/Species, elemental power and rank power, but at the end if you raised it well you'd become rider rank and be asked to join the school riders. Down side was most of the people in the class were high or rich snobby students. Sucked ass sometimes.

Anyway, I got to his class and asked if a new kid had come in to the class yet. She told me that she hadn't seen him enter or The twins for that matter. This alone meant bad news, those two could be complete assholes to normal students alone, let alone new kids. I thanked her and made my way down the hallway to where he would have come if he were walking this way.

As I made my way down the hall I heard a loud smash echoed through the halls. The sound of glass breaking, or more accurately...........crystal.

Shock and panic ran through me as I dashed down the hallway only to find Jasper sanding up from the floor. His body engulfed in purple flames.

", Jasper! ," I yelled as I ran to him, rapping my hands around his chest, keeping his arms to his side. Making sure he didn't do anything stupid or regretful.

This was bad. This was very bad. His wolf was back, that was the only logical reason the Phenix crystal would react. If there was something else to over power it.
I wasn't sure what to do. And to make all the more fun, Jasper's wolf had taken over. He had been taken from his body and kept from it for years, now he was back he was clearly pissed off.

", Let go Of Mate ," Lucas and Marcus growled at me, ready in attack stands to do just that, attack me. This was their fault to begin with, I wasn't dealing with them right now, not when Jasper was near me. So I let bright red flames drip from my back as my wings grew from the flames and unfolded around me and Jasper.

", Ho-w.......Dar-e........the-y ," Jasper uttered out, his body was shaking as he hugged himself. How dare they? Huh?

What caught my eye in this whole situation wasn't that he was losing it in the school hallway, no. What caught my eye was that his body was cold, so were his flames, they were freezing.

", Jasper? ," His head snapped up to me making me flinched at the sudden movement, but his gaze was one to not be expected. One of his eyes was white while the other was a black. The sight shocked me. What was Jasper? Claiming to be wolf and even seeming to have a dead Phenix crystal in him, no, something was missing.

Suddenly he pulled from me and stood in front in front of me, silently, for a few seconds. Soon soft whimpers and sobs started to echo through the halls.

", ," Jasper whimpered as what looked like wings began to rip and break out of his back ", It hurts!! ," Jasper screams in agony ", Help me! It Burns!! ,"

Lucas and Marcus reflectedly went to grab Jasper but were pushed back. Mr Sew stood in front of them with his ow so emotionless face. What was he doing here?

", No one touch him ,"

", What! He's In Pain! ," Lucas yells in frustration ", We Can't Just Stand Here And Do Nothing ,"

Jasper lets another scream and Marcus and Lucas cover their ears, as tears start to form in their eyes. Their mates screams must be agonising to them. But I still had no idea what or why this was going on.

", Think of it this way, he has both wolf and Phenix DNA, meaning he will go through the changes that both species go through ,"

", You mean he's- ,"

", Going through his first shift as a werewolf and going through his first Flame Dance as a Phenix ,"

", Fuck!! ," I cursed as I withdraw my wings back into my back and backed away. Its gonna kill him. Both changes are agonising and horrible experience , to which can almost kill you, alone. Put them together and you have curtain death.

", Tho ," Mr Sew started ", Even without the Phenix crystal he isn't a full werewolf, there's something else there ,"

", What do you mean ," Marcus snapped, he was in pain, yeah, but geez.

", I'm not sure, his blood is strange ," Mr Sew said as he watched Jasper calm down a bit ", his body seems to suffer very little when wounded or when a part of him is missing, I can't quite figure it out ,"

Third Person Pov:

Suddenly the flames died down a bit and Jasper fell to the ground. He screamed as his body twisted and turned as every one of his bone snapped and cracked. Each making making a disturbing crushing or snapping sound echo through the halls. Jasper whimpered as they started to reconnect into a more sturdy and wolf like manner...

Once he had finished shifting the flames became brighter and didn't seem to effect him anyone anymore, like they were apart of him somehow. His fur glowed pure white as he slowly lifted his head, looking up at Marcus and Lucas. Tho he was still a little weak in the legs he stood up and walked over to his mates, he lay on the ground in front of them and lowered his ears to them. Asking for them to except him. Doing so, as on your first to your third shift, to seek refuge by your mates and ask for them to except your other from. But they just stared at him in shock. He whimpered as he backed away to Jerry. As he did purple/blue flame dripped from his back as his wings unfolded from the flames and his wolf's fur started to change to a grayish blue.

", What's Going On!! ," Marcus suddenly yelled pointing at Jasper ", Why Is Our Mate A Monster!!........... and his fur............What Is That Thing!!! ,"

Jasper whimpered as he lowered himself down behind Jerry. He didn't know what he was talking about but one thing was clear. He had found his mates, but they did want him...

Mr Sew/ William's:

Jasper's fur was a sight to be seen. At first it was pure white. Then it faded into a grayish blue when he backed away from Lucas and Marcus. Was he able to change his fur by will? Or maybe by his emotions? This was a rare thing and was mostly only seen in shifters that were cursed, their dead. They died hundreds of years ago, there's no way.

", well since he's made it through his first shift he should be ok...... Lucas and Jerry will help the lad out, Marcus, head back to class ,"

", What!! ," Marcus protested ", He's my Ma- ,"

", Don't You Dare Say Another Word ," Lucas warned as he turned to his brother. I'm not in the mood to deal with fuckin family problems. I have my own work to deal with.

", Just go to class Marcus ," I snapped ", Work out your problems out later ,"

I said grabbing Marcus's shirt and pulled him along as I left them two to take care of Jasper.

Strange thing is that I could feel something. Something dangerous. I couldn't pin point where it was but That didn't matter.
The question was. What?

Sorry for the short chapter, its been really busy over here, We're getting the house ready for family to come down and I have like no time to write ;-;

Anyway, like always, Please;




Bye bye

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