Chapter 14

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Shawn? Luke replied to the unknown figure. Yeah, are you guys hiding from the girls on the run too? Shawn replied. I couldnt believe it, it actually was Shawn. Yeah haha we are I said with nervous laugh. I was shaking a little bit because I had never seen Shawn in person, but it was still amazing even though we were all in the dark. Now we heard someone else coming into the room! We all heard a deep voice say, Security is here. The girls have been confiscated from the area Oh thank goodness ugh I thought they were gonna kill Kian Kaitie said jokingly. Oh my god shut up Kian said. Security has to confiscate the area. Were going to have to ask you to leave the room so we can recheck every room to make sure there are no more of those girls the security guard said with a stern voice. Haha they were only harmless fan girls I said. Remember when we were hard core fans Gabby Kaitie said with a laugh. I looked at Kaitie and tried to make a straight face to act like I didnt agree and then I bursted out laughing and so did she. I remember back in 9th grade when we would sit down on the floor and just laugh out loud for no apparent reason. 9th Grade wasnt my best year, but it wasnt my worst because I had my trio. It was just Kaitie, me, and our other friend Jessica. I feel like I havent Jessica in forever! I need to message her about my new job! Kian got up first and reached his hand out to Kaitie to pull her up. She got up with Kians help. Right after Luke and Shawn got up at the exact time. But as they both got up, they both reached out towards me trying to help me up. They made a quick glance to each other and then back at me. In a split second I had to choose whos hand to grab. But I didnt know whos to choose.

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