Chapter 5

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  I was thinking to myself for a few seconds as Kian said, "Well Gabby if you want to do it we have to go now" I was in shock! I didn't know what to do! If I wanted a better future I was going to have to decide now. "Right now? Too much pressure agh!" I said. How could I ever be as good of a singer like Luke because I'm such a loser. "Gabby...please" Kaitie said. "You know what! Fine I'll do it what the heck, my boss seemed rude anyways!" I said excitedly. "Really?!" Kian and Kaitie both said at the same time. "Well then you have to quit right now otherwise we are gonna be late. I'll text Luke right now!" Kian said as he slid his phone open to a cute lockscreen picture of him and Kaitie. What cuties, someday I would like a relationship like theirs. But their story is another story to tell another day. "Kaitie come with me to my boss' office" I said as we fast walked to my boss' office. I walked in. There was no one there. I let out a huge sigh because I was kind of relieved that I didn't have to have the embarrassment of quitting on the first day. "No Gabby! I know what you're thinking. You're not just not going to quit because your boss isn't here!" Kaitie said with a stern tone in her voice. "Ugh why do you know me so well geez!" I said as a joke. I found a sticky note and a pen in my pocket and wrote 'sorry to do this but i have to quit, thank you so much for the job -gabrielle' Kaitie and I ran to Kian waiting in his car.  

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