Chapter 6: Engaged In Paris

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"After being engaged to Justin, we started making calls to "Famous Wedding" planners. Justin told me that I can be in charge of all the wedding preparations, and inviting all the guess. I was really excited to be finally getting married and becoming "Mr. Bieber".

Justin already knew, what he was gonna wear and he said, his speech will make everyone emotional. I knew from the start, that this was gonna be a huge chapter in my life. I never thought that this dream and fantasy would actually come true, "Like Damn".

The wedding will be held in just 1 month before Justin kicks off his "Purpose World Tour", which I'll be attending for the whole 6 months. I got a call from my mom, who I haven't spoke to since me and Justin started dating. I never really talked to her because, she wasn't so on board with me being gay or even getting married.

My childhood wasn't really the best with her, I've been constantly abused and I always never seemed to make her happy. I never really told anyone my story about my life growing up because I tried to keep that to myself, but I couldn't hold back the tears anymore longer. She always treated me differently and would always say I act like a straight "Bitch" and a "Faggot", and she would constantly say who wants a gay son and I would really break down crying until I had enough and tried to hang myself.

I always struggled with my depression issues and , I would just try to get myself to understand why nobody likes me and, why do I get treated differently. But when I met Justin he changed my whole world and made me think and look at everything never the same.

I tell Justin everyday that I love him, and I really appreciate him and I'm very blessed and thankful for him. He's giving me so much joy and grace, without him I'm nothing and I probably wouldn't be alive till this day. I continued to plan for Justin and I wedding and, it will be a chapter of a new era.

It's July 6 and the wedding is just two days away. The wedding was gonna be filled with A- listed celebrities. To name a few that will be attending, "Michael Kors",Kim Kardashian and the whole family, Selena Gomez, and also Balmain's designer director "Oliver Rousteing".

Oliver Rousteing is one of my closest friends, and he's also designing me a special suit. Oliver and I have known each other since we were teenagers.

Finally the day of the wedding and, "I'm nervous ass hell"!. I was really excited about becoming "Mr Bieber" and being married to the man of my dreams. The wedding takes place in Florence, Italy, and all my family members and friends started to arrive to the house.

Justin thought it was bad lucky to see me before getting married, so he kissed and gave me a hug blindfolded. He quickly ran out of the room and up stairs to get ready for our big day. We had every Magazine photographer here to get the biggest moment of both of our lives.

As I'm sitting in my chair getting my hair cut and makeup done I looked at myself in the mirror, thinking to myself "Haters Are Gonna Hate", and you just gotta "Shake It Off" and keep fighting. I put on a Versace Suede 40K Diamond studded suit, with penny loafers covered in diamond crystals. I was almost ready to walk down the isle with only two minutes left.

I prayed to God and asked him to bless Me and Justin's marriage and that we live happily ever after, Amen.

It was time to walk the isle as I see all the guess take there seats and I sent out over 5,000 invitations and they are all here and even people that was invited still came to show there support. I walked to the door and I could here the music staring to play as my Best Friend Oliver walks me down the isle.

And there I go walking out making my big grand entrance and I see Justin standing at the end with tears of joy. Walking down the isle I seen many people from elementary, middle school, and even some Facebook and Instagram followers.

I finally reached the front of the audience, and took Justin's hand. I started to cry as Justin wipes my tears away and he made everyone get emotional.

Pastor: "We are gathered here today to see two people that are deeply in love get married ".

Pastor: "Justin, you may start when you are ready".

Justin: " From the moment we met I knew that you had something special, and that I had to make you mines".

Mario: " Aww".

Justin: " I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, till death do us part".

Pastor: " Justin you may place the ring on his finger".

Pastor: " Do you Justin Bieber take Mario Gómez as your oddly married husband ".

Justin: " Yes, I do".

Pastor: "And do you Mario Gómez take Justin Bieber to be your oddly married husband ".

Mario: " Hell Yes!"

Pastor: " By the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and husband, Justin you may now kiss your husband ".

Justin: " We officially married ".

Mario: " I'm now Mario Gomez- Bieber".

After the reception, it was time for the dinner party and receiving all the gifts. I had my first dance with Justin as a married couple and we dance to Justin's song "Purpose" which really made me emotional and Justin held me close and told me that I got you baby daddy's here.

It was time for us to leave and our bags were packed and ready for our honeymoon. Everyone followed us to the front of the house as we entered the limousine while pictures were being taken left to right. We said our last good byes to everyone and started to drive off, Justin kissed me and said " We're off to our Honeymoon", and gave me a big juicy kiss on the lips as I bite his lip in pleasure.

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