Chapter 3: "Gomenators"

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"A few days later after making all my public accounts, and other social media sites. Within less then 72 hours the media was overwhelmed with who Justin's dating and that's when I had my first interview with Fox 11 news. I always wanted to be on tv but never to talk about my relationship status and how fast I became a " Over Night Sensation " and I couldn't believe it myself either that this could happen just by dating the hottest and richest man alive.

They started asking me questions, that was very intense. They asked about how me and Justin first met and when I told them the story, they thought it was the craziest thing they've ever heard before. They asked me numerous times about how my child hood was growing up as a kid in South Central LA, and now I'm living up in the hills of Bel-Air in a gated community.

After my interview I received a call from "E News", and they wanted to get some inside scoop about me and Justin's love life. So I told them I could be at there station around 2pm, and later when I arrived there was at least 300- 500 people standing outside there studio screaming my name and holding up colorful posters. When I got out the car, people were crying and screaming and I was so touched and I hugged and took selfies with 30% of them. I received love letters and letters telling me how much they love me and the fandom.

There was this one girl in particular that caught my attention. She was crying and saying that she always wanted to meet "Justin" but she could never afford it! So I told her that I would try my best to get Justin to have a special concert on the "Ellen Degeneres Show" for the release of his 6th album "Purpose" which is set to be released at the end of this month.

As I entered the building, there was my old friend from middle school giving me a standing ovation for all my hard work and gratitude. I got ready for my interview and there was "Scooter" and he was with a group of other people.

"Scooter", had told me that they were my "Glam" squad and entourage, and they had my outfit for my interview ready in a all black suit bag.

I came out from the dressing room walking out in this "Versace" suede midnight-blue suit. I had a large variety of jewelry to choose from! They started putting makeup on me and making me look like a totally different person, and they made me look like some from a magazine cover.

It was only a few minutes left until my interview and I was gonna be live on tv in front of almost 20 million people! I met the host and the co-host of the show, Terrence J, and Katy Garden.

I stated to take my position of where they wanted me to sit and as I looked at the clock, it was only less than 60 seconds when the director started shouting out "Places Everyone ", "Get Ready!". The director started to count down, and say that we go live in 3......2......1.... And where live!"

Terrence J: "Well Back to E News"

Katy: " We have a very special guess on tonight!"

Terrence J: "Yes!" You may have heard that he has just became a "over night sensation".

Katy: "And we get inside scoop about he public relationship with Pop-Star "Justin Bieber".

Katy:" Here he is!" "Mario A.K.A Mr.Bieber"

Mario: "Yes, I'm so glad to be here"

Terrence J: " Tell me about yourself "

Mario:" Well... "I'm 16 years old!"

Mario: " I grew up in a gang violence neighborhood in West LA", and it wasn't always safe to play outside.

Terrence J: " Wow..., That's pretty rough, because I can relate to that whole situation with growing up in a bad neighborhood."

Katy: " How does your childhood effect your daily lives?"

Mario: " I just look at all the mistakes and try to interpret them into my adult hood life, and make myself a better person.

Katy: "Well that was a wonderful interview!"

Terrence J: " Once again we wanna thank "Mario Gomez" for letting interview him, and shout to all the "Gomenators" that's been standing outside of our building since Thursday!"

"So after the interview with E News, I took pictures and and signed pictures and gave out autographs to all my fans and to the producers of the show. I left the building from the back entrance where my "Black SUV" was waiting for me at.

3 months later, Justin's album was "Purpose" getting ready to be released and he had so many press conferences about it. The album was gonna be a huge milestone for him, being his 6th album since his career first started.

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