4. Detention

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Tuesday. 14:50.

Two days has felt like two weeks. The feeling is really weird.

I can't believe it's still only Tuesday. It seems like I had a funny argument with my brother over him using his own bathroom a week ago, but it has only been twenty-four hours.

I stared at the clock in the classroom.


The last period of the day had undoubtedly dragged, but then again, I've always thought that History was a drag. I don't even know why I took it in the first place. I only care about the present or the future. Whatever happened centuries ago haven't seemed to make any major difference in my life. I never seemed to care about the World Wars. Whenever we're taught about it, they mainly focus on USA and the USSR. I think it'll be more interesting to know about the rest of the countries. Okay, so maybe I was fascinated by the whole aspect of History, but after being quizzed on it repeatedly, I seemed to have lost all psych.

I'm not always so pessimistic about things; I'm usually jumping for joy at this time; knowing that school is almost over, and I get to go see my mum. But, today, a certain someone, a certain asshole, has screwed up my whole routine, and I am definitely not looking forward to detention! 

I just don't know what it is about him! He just gets on my nerves. I know I definitely hate him less than I did this morning, but he still pisses me off. I mean, he didn't even apologize for disrespecting me. And I still can't believe that he's in cahoots with my brother! Then again, he probably doesn't know who my brother is, or whether I even have one, but how do they already know each other? How does he already know half the school? 

I let out a frustrated grunt. My thoughts were running marathons and confusing the crap out of me, and I had to go to a detention in less than three minutes. It's not so much the detention that bugs me, even though I'm not too eager to spend time with the new mysterious guy, I couldn't care less about detention; people get detention all the time. I'm just really troubled and quite agitated over the fact that I won't be able to see my mother today, I only see her once a week, and that too, not for a long time. 

When the bell rings, I drag myself towards my locker; pick up my things, and rush towards detention that I'm already late for. I walk in to see Mr Harrison glaring at me, and the new kid smirking at me; only to find out, that he and I are the only ones in detention. Brilliant. 

"You're late Ms. Langston." Mr. Harrison looks at me in disapproval.

Seriously? It's 15:03, detention started three minutes ago. The sky isn't falling. I bite my lip, to stop myself from saying something rude. 

"Sorry Mr. Harrison, I just got out of my last period, and went to get my things from my locker." 

He glared at me, "That's no excuse, take a seat. You need to do better than that." 

To think I used to like this teacher. He's always on edge these days, what's up with that? He used to be so chilled out a year ago, then boom - instant change in character. Some teachers are really weird. Or maybe he's got this super long mood swing going on.

"I said, take a seat Ms Langston. Do you want another detention?"

I didn't realise that I started day dreaming and over thinking about my teacher's mood swings while I was standing. Geez, this guy needs a vacation. I heard a scoff in the opposite direction, and I turned to glare at the new guy. I'm already not in the best moods because of him, if that's not enough, he gets me a detention, then I don't get to see my mum, and now he finds this situation amusing.

"I'm really sorry Mr. Harrison."

I go sit in the seat right at the back of the classroom, two rows away from the annoying motorbike guy. He turns around and smirks at me.

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