Author's Note

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Hello Wonderful people, it's me again, I know, I know :P


This is just a basic author's note because I am still being asked if I have any ideas of who my characters should be. I actually have no idea whatsoever.

This is why I'm here, it's for whoever is reading this right now to give me any suggestions for Azalea and Shaun.

I already got one suggestion for Azalea where I was asked about Taylor Momsen, and it seems like a pretty good suggestion, I'm just not sure right now, which is why I need tons of suggestions.

I was thinking of Chace Crawford as Shaun. I'm sure everyone reading this knows who he is! If you don't, go stalk! Yeah I know what you're thinking...they're both in Gossip Girl, so it's weird. But it's kind of different now, because he's the brother, but I can actually see him ruffling her hair, and cracking lame jokes.

I personally, was thinking of Kaya Scodelario for Azalea. She's gorgeous and so is Azalea, and I feel that it just fits as a character. Oh, and I can also picture Chace Crawford ruffling Kaya's hair. Well, technically, I can picture Chace Crawford doing just about anything :P

I'm not saying that I won't use Taylor Momsen. Who knows, she might fit in as one of my other characters, which would be really great :P I can picture it now! :D

If you need guidelines to help you pick people for their characters, then what you basically need to know is that;

Azalea is 17.

She has brown hair, blue eyes. She's definitely pretty. She's got a bubbly character and she’s super friendly.

Shaun is 19.

He has bronze hair, blue eyes. He’s tall and most definitely hot. He's caring and tough. He's funny, bubbly and always friendly.

Yes, yes, I know :O I got some stereotypical characters :P but most teen fictions are :P that’s the fun in writing them!! Woohoo.

And this story is what I'm writing on the basis of things that have actually happened. It's not exactly the same but its close, so technically it's not really a stereotype, it's just guys that I would never stand a chance with, like Chace. *sighs*

*sniff sniff*

Remember, the characters I've chosen aren't permanent. If you give me a suggestion that fits the character of Shaun or Azalea, that I like more than the ones I've chosen already, I would definitely change them. Please let me know! :)

On the right, is a picture of Kaya Scodelario, tell me what you think. She's gorgeous isn't she?

Okay, I'm done now, because I'm just repeating myself -_-

*runs and hides in the corner*

This chapter is dedicated to @TwinStarKiki for making me two really cool covers, one being the one I posted last chapter. So thanks for making them for me! I really appreciated it! :D

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