Chapter Sixteen

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A/N:The song on the side is the one playing when she dances ... you'll know what I mean :)

Thanks again for reading guys! Keep up the feedback, it makes me write faster ;p MY FAVOURITE COMMENT WILL GET A DEDICATION!

Oh, P.S. I changed the detail in the last chapter: Derek was FOURTEEN on his last camping trip, just incase you missed the change :) Enjoy!

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Ten Years Ago

“Derek!” Talia called from the kitchen of the exquisite house in the woods.

Derek’s ears picked up from out in the yard, which was basically just the surrounding forest, and he ran up to the porch to where his mother stood.

“Yeah mom?” He asked.

“Can you go and find your sister? We need to leave soon.” She said.

Derek groaned. “Maybe we can leave her behind. Don’t we see enough of her anyway?” He gave his mother a sassy smile and she gave him a good case of the Hale raised eyebrow.

“Go on then.” She walked back into the house and Derek gave a playful roll of his eyes.

He was fourteen years old and even though he loved his family more than anything, these camping trips could sometimes be excruciating, especially when his little sister Cora tried to join the older kids. She was only seven so they all saw her as a child. She was feisty for such a young girl, but that comes with the werewolf gene which she had so very adorably inherited from her mother.

So Derek set out in the woods to find his sister, not Cora, but his older sister, Laura. Sixteen years old and finally finding her feet in her werewolf skin. Aside from his uncle Peter, Laura was the one he was closest to in his family. That didn’t stop her from annoying the hell out of him.

He did what his mother had been teaching him and focussed all his energy on his senses, smell, sight, hearing… on the last one he picked it up, the fuzzy sounds of music playing through a set of headphones.

He rolled his eyes and started running towards the sound. As he got closer it got louder and with his wolf senses turned right up he found her with her Walkman, spinning and flicking her hair around to the tune of the song.

Not even to the song, just wildly and completely out of control, her head bobbing and a wicked grin on her face. She saw him staring at her through the trees and wiggled her fingers at him.

“Oh no.” Derek said, stepping back.

She just laughed and ran forward to grab him by the wrists and began to make him dance, forcibly. Swinging his arms back and forward madly and laughing with her bright smile. Derek couldn’t help but join her, cackling along and tuning in to the song playing in her ears.

She let him go as they twisted and bobbed and spun one another around. She reached out and fluffed up his hair before they started singing to the familiar chorus. They played out the song and when it was coming to an end Derek tackled her to the ground to which she countered by pinning him down easily.

“Not today little brother.” She panted.

Derek squirmed and pulled a face up at her as she looked down, her chestnut hair framing her rosy grinning face.

“That would be right, I send one child out to find the other and lose you both.” Talia stood behind them with her arms folded and a smile on her lips.

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